2) No Tamaki... Just No

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(A/N: ~~~ means a time skip and bold means it's writing.)

-Haruhi's POV-

I quickly turned around before he could see my face blush. Pretending like nothing happened I sighed and said, "Alright where's the costume I have to wear."

I turned back around and saw Tamaki and the twins grin. I tried not to blush at Hikaru's grin and looked away from his face. What have I gotten myself into...

"Alright follow me Haruhi!" Tamaki said triumphantly as he and the other hosts walked to the outside of the temple and into a small marbley quartz hut outside of the temple. I decided to follow them. When we got inside I looked around. It was... interesting... almost beautiful... yet classy. The walls were peach colored and the flooring was marble. White hooks hung on the wall with tons of Greek dresses to wear, I looked closer and saw price tags next to each of them. Figures. I looked around more and saw a sign that read:


"This is for where are our lovely guests can pick out outfits to wear," Tamaki said as I finished reading the sign.

"The costumes you can pick from are in the back. They were of course made by Hikaru and Kaoru's mother," Kyoya said. I walked into the back quickly as I was sure I blushed at the mention of Hikaru.

My jaw dropped as I saw the outfits. A couple were togas for men... but then there were also feminine togas... and plain out Greek dresses. There's was one dress that plain out looked like a female version of Tamaki's outfit.

"Senpai you know I can't wear anything that would indicate that I am a girl!" I complained at Tamaki.

"Oh but you'd look so-"

"Yeah no, here wear this toga Haruhi," Kaoru said as he cut off Tamaki and handed me a snow white toga that covered my chest and had gold lining. It looked like it could be for both genders.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I walked into the changing room and closed the curtains. I could hear Tamaki mumbling to himself about dresses and gods and goddesses and marriage and something about... ramen?

I quickly changed and walked out of the small room.

"Alright let's get ready for our guests!" Tamaki

The next three hours went by fast, girls swooning over certain hosts, me having to serve my guests "Greek drinks" which was just flavored tea, and the occasional fan girling from guests. I looked at the time on my flip phone. One hour left.

I looked over at Hikaru and Kaoru sitting together with their guests and... wait a minute. That's those girls from this morning! Making it worse, Hikaru grinned at me and they turned towards my direction. I felt their icy glares reach into my soul. AHHHH what should I do nowwwww? I tried to think up something to say but one of my usual guests came up to me. Just in time!

I sat down with her as we talked and another usual came and sat next to us on another one of the chairs next to the glass table in front of us.

"My, Haruhi you look so handsome in that toga!" the first guest commented.

"Not really," I smiled and truly answered.

The second guest laughed and said, "Wow, you're so modest!" And we talked more until they left and more came.


Finally, the hour is up.

We all left and Tamaki said instantly, "How about I walk you home!"

The twins looked at each other and said at the same time, "That sounds fun, we'll come too!"

"I guess I could come as well and talk to Haruhi's father," Kyoya added.

"Takashi can we walk home with Haru-Chan too?" Honey-Senpai asked Mori. Mori just nodded.

"Wait what?" I asked, confused.

"Don't worry it'll be fun!" Tamaki said as the twins nodded with their evil looks on their faces. "And I'll hold your hand, too, to keep your hand warm!"

"No fair! I want to hold Haruhi's hand too!" Hikaru said and I felt myself blush.

"I do too!" Kaoru said as he stood next to his brother.

"How about none of you hold my hand?" I asked

"Oh come on Haruhi!" Tamaki said as he chased me and I ran home. I glanced behind me and saw the others following. Stupid Tamaki-Senpai...

I ran down stairs and then felt myself tripping and flying in the air. Oh shoot. I squeezed my eyes together, bracing for impact... Wait I didn't get hurt? Am I dead? Did someone catch me?

"Heh, you should be more careful next time," said a familiar voice.

(Hah cliffhanger. I'll probably write chapter three "when I remember". BUT STILL AHHH THIS CHAPTER IS WORSE THAN THE LASSSTTTT)

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