4 / lost past

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!!! warning: a little dark for this one yo pls be forewarned !!!

a kaisoo one-shot.



Senses tingling with familiarity, Do Kyungsoo turned back, only to find an overwhelming pitch black darkness of infinity waiting for him. He had his hands outstretched in front of him, but he couldn't see anything. It was such an alien feeling that he had to check if his eyes were, in fact, open even. 

He grasped and groped at the shadows, in search of a way to escape this damned place. 

A faint whistling tone sounded in the distance.

It was a haunting lullaby, that much he knew. His legs moved on their own accord as the voice became louder, and louder. It was soothing at first, but now it's simply a mess of tunes that sharpened into a blade, slashing him into ribbons and—

A bullet went straight through his torso. 

As Kyungsoo fell on his back, he lay there (on satin sheets?) with arms limp by his side and gaze turning vacant. Above him was a sky of flickering gold (how had he not noticed that before?) that took the pain off his mind, and brought him to a world beyond the tiny stars. 

From his peripheral vision, a pair of very familiar boots came into view. 

The pair of shoes he had bought for Kim Jongin.

Except that he wasn't sure if the person standing before him was Kim Jongin, because a pistol was held in the latter's hand, trails of smoke emerging from the barrel. The empty barrel that stared down at Kyungsoo, as if threatening to put another bullet through his head this time.

"... Jongin?" He mumbled and eyed the guy in confusion. 

Without answering, the boy who he had gazed fondly upon almost every hour, took a step forward and stood on the gushing wound. Weirdly, Kyungsoo felt no pain. Just pure numbness. 

His heart, however, was bleeding out.

"... What are you doing?" Every word forced out from Kyungsoo's mouth sapped his energy. He was starting to feel breathless ; a pressure building steadily in his chest. 

"How are you doing today, hyung?" 

Kyungsoo had tried to answer, but what came out instead was a stream of blood that trickled past his lips. He coughed and spluttered, and still, Jongin didn't move an inch.

How are you doing today, hyung?

How are you doing

How are


Incapable of answering, Kyungsoo merely stared up and looked into Jongin's eyes. Into his soul. Every step in was no walk in the garden ; it was climbing up a thorn-filled mountain, bare handed. Yet, even if that is so, Kyungsoo was willing to. He's willing to bleed out for the man he loved. 

Even if he had to lose his life.

Even if he had to trade his soul. 

Even if that man didn't love him back anymore.   


a/n; if you didn't get it (don't worry if you didn't, i probably wouldn't either) none of this was real — kyungsoo wants to believe that jongin still loves him, but feels that he's slipping away (hence the shooting kyungsoo & stepping on him part) this is all a manifestation of what kyungsoo feels 

the starting and ending words may be a liiiiiitle bit confusing. this isn't a horror one-shot or something, and kyungsoo isn't scared of jongin. he's scared of the way jongin's behaving towards him, the way jongin doesn't seem to care for him as much anymore. 

are y'all surprised that this isn't angst (well, 90% of it isn't) btw

on a side note, tomorrow is my last day of work (sobs) so do look forward to more updates!!!! hehe. 

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