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"I am not choosing anything or anyone mother,
It's not my choice to make,
I'll help them both like I've always had,
You cannot stop me!"

"Oh son, you're so naïve,
You do have to choose now,
As I have casted a spell,
And that person you choose,
Will be married to you,
So choose well.
As the two places I've send them,
They have a special thing,
They never meet,
Not even in the dimensions a fairy can travel and see.
So yes, dear son be wise,
As you'd be choosing your wife."

"No, you cannot do this to me!
Why you always try to change me,
To make me like you."

"I am just trying to save you."

"You think you're smart mother,
Well you're not,
I will save them both,
And I won't let you succeed in your plans,
Just wait."

"I will."

The Queen disappeared knowing,
There's nothing he can do now,
No fairy can ever travel in between those two spells.

Phratis however was calm,
He knew exactly what had to be done.

A FairyTale >> LGBTWhere stories live. Discover now