chapter twenty sixx

Start from the beginning

I swallowed my ramen before talking again.

"Oh yeah! Don't worry, it'll be fine. I've still got like two months, anyway!"

But there was still that tiny little voice in the back of my head telling me she was on to something, and I needed to hurry up.


"Well look who decided to show up!" I ignored Kiba as I walked past him as he sat on the couch. 

I walked straight up the stairs and into my room, collapsing on my bed. It had to be like, eleven at night, I had stayed out with Aiko for awhile (we trained for a little, too!) and the Sand Siblings still weren't back yet.

I was way too tired to change, so I just fell asleep right there on my bed, not even bothering to turn off the light or get under the blankets.


Temari's POV

"Well look who decided to show up." Kiba yawned as we all walked back into the house.  

"Yeah, yeah." Kankuro brushed the statement off and continued striaght into the kitchen.  If it hadn't been one in the morning, I probably would have followed suit.  But seeing as if I were to remain standing any longer I would fall asleep upright, I just said goodnight and began to walk up the stairs.

But as I walked past the kitchen, where my brother was stuffing his face with ramen noodles, I noticed a small scroll on the counter.

"Hey Kiba, did you read this?" I called to the t.v room, where I heard Gaara entering the house.

"The mail? Nah, too-" He yawned. "Too tired to read.  Some Jounin dropped it here like an hour ago.  He said it's for you guys."

Kankuro walked over, along with Gaara as I peeled the sealing off of the rolled up paper.

"What's it say?" Kankuro asked as my eyes scanned over the neat print writing.

"I- I don't get it..." I narrowed my eyes and re-read the slip.

"Get what?" Gaara asked.  Both of them tried to read it over my shoulder.

"It just says that there's been something important over in Suna and we need to go back home... They'll be sending an escort in nine days time to bring us back." 

"What?" All the guys were confused.  I turned to see them all somewhat frozen, even Kiba had walked in and had his thin eyebros raised in surprise/

"Well it's a three day journey... So we've got a little over a week before they'll be here..." I didn't bother rolling the paper back, but just handed it to Kankuro.  Kankuro being himself, would read it over about four times before he got the full affect.  

"I'm going to bed..." He held his hands up in a surrendering motion and turned to walk away, handing the paper to Gaara.

"Me too." Kiba yawned and trudged towards the stairs, Akamaru happily following behind.

"I think I will too." I said. We ll said goodnight to each other and walked to our rooms.  

I walked down the hallway to where my room was, across from Kitsune's.

'Why is her light on?' I peeked my head into her room to see her passed out on her bed.

I sighed and shook my head, flicking off her light and walking into my own room.


Please don't hate me! TT.TT

I am so late in this upload, it's not even funny... (Even though it owuldn't be funny if I was on time...) I feel bad... 

My parents have deprived me from computer privallges... So this chapter is very rushed! Sorry :P

But I hope you guys like it! It was fun to write! I didn't really leave it at a cliffhanger this time... So yay! :D

Oh and please exuse any weird spelling errors... (it's late and we have a new keyboard... Errors are bound to happen.)

Like always, two votes before the next chapter! (I promise it own't take me forever to upload next time! 12 days at most!)



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