chapter twenty sixx

Start from the beginning

"Kit!" She grinend as Teuchi set her ramen in front of her. I ordered the same as her and we started talking.

"So how's Gaara?" I immediatly blushed as Aiko mentioned the redhead. 

"What are you talking about...?" I looked down as Aiko threw herself into a fit of giggles.

"You know what I mean! Did you tell him you love him?"  I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"No! I mean.. Yeah but then Temari interrupeted and he didn't really get to respond... Enough about me!" I broke apart my chopsticks as Ayame set down my ramen. Aiko looked at me with her eyebrows raised.  I smirked and knew she knew what I was about to say. "Tell me about your little Kiba crush!" 

Now it was Aiko's turn to blush a little.

See, it turned out the moment she saw Kiba, she was hooked!  I held it over her head for a few days, and now every time she tried to tease me about Gaara, all I have to do is say Kiba's name. 

The girl practically melted...

"You know what..." She looked away and stuffed her face with ramen. I just laughed and turned to my own ramen.

"No, I don't! Tell me!?" At least it got her to laugh...

'I've only known Aiko for a few weeks...'  I shrugged.  It seemed like it had been much longer than that since she came here from her old village.  

When exactly she came, I'm not too sure of... But it was before Naruto left.


That sent my thoughts in a completely differnt direciton, full of the blonde, hyperactive ninja.  

How was he? Where was he? Was Pervy Sage being nice? will he be differnt when he comes back? Will he be stronger? 

'Of course he'll be stronger! He's freaking Naruto! Ever since I've known him, he's always tried his best, so it'll just be natural for him to come back and be a total kickass ninja!'

And of course, thinking about that got me thinking about Sakura and Sasuke... 'Cause they're part of Team 7, too...

'I still can't belive Sakura's training with Tsunade soon... I never pegged her as the medical-nin type... But then agian I never pegged her as any type other than a fan girl until recently...' I mentally sighed.

'And Sasuke. Oh Sasuke. With his chicken-ass hair, somehat of a bad attitude, and obsession over revenge and repopulating his clan, it as pretty easy to see this whole thing coming... He was on a course for freaking... Self destruction. 

But I know Naruto will bring him back to Konoha.  He has to... And I mean that's part of the reason he went off to train in the first place.  So he could get stronger and eventually get Sasuke back from Orochimaru.' I nodded. 'And when that time comes, we'll all be right there behind him! All of us! Me, and Sakura, and Kiba, and Shikamaru, and Hinata, and Lee, and Neji,and Tenten, and Ino, and Choji, and -'

"But I'm serious! What are you gonna do when he leaves? You're gonna regret it if you don't talk to him more about this..." That got my attention. I snapped out of my trailing thoughts and back into where I was... Ichiraku's with an empty bowl of ramen.

'What's she talking about? Oh yeah! Gaara!'  I thought about what she said, replaying it in my head again. The way she had just said that, I knew she meant it completely.  

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