Chapter 1

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(Alex's POV)

*7 years old*

I don't remember what I did but I must have fucked up big time.

"Alex if you don't get the fuck in here you're gonna wish you were never born you little shit!" My mom yelled from the living room.

I couldn't have done anything. I don't think. None the less I knew better than to ignore my mother. So I ran into the living room immediately.

"Did you make breakfast this morning?!" She yelled.

"Well y-yeah it's j-just you were s-sleeping and its been a couple days s-so I thought-"

"That you could burn my fucking house down with me in it?! When your dad gets home I can promise you you'll never do this shit again!"

I knew she was right.

"Now get the fuck out of here until he's home I can't even look at you!"

"Y-yes ma'am." I said and scampered off to my room. I was already bawling my eyes out and he wasn't even home.

*3 hours later*

I could hear the car door slam shut. That was when I knew hell was coming.


Sometimes I think he's Lucifer.

He was making his way down the hall and towards my room. I knew better than to hide but I was already shaking and sobbing.

He barged into my room with a studded belt in hand. Fuck.

"Stand in front of the bed and bend over!" He yelled. That vein in his forehead popping as he turned bright red.

"Y-yes sir." I did as told because it would only be worse if I didn't.

He swung his arm back and I felt the studs on the belt hit my butt. That stung. I was already sobbing. My legs felt like they were buckling underneath me. He did this 6 more times using all the force he could muster.

When he was done I turned around and faced him, tears all down my face. But he didn't care.

"DRY IT UP!" He yelled and threw a towel at me to wipe my tears. I tried. I really did. But I couldn't breathe. I don't know what was happening.

And then my face stung. He had slapped me.

"Bet you won't do that shit again will you?!"

"N-no sir." I sniffled.

"You'd think you'd be a little more grateful for me putting a roof over your head. Putting food on the table, but then I get home and have to punish you for being the little piece of shit that you are. Do you think I like this Alex? No! I don't wanna have to come home and waste my time on you! You fucking attention seeker! I don't have to do shit for you! So next time think about this before you fuck up! Are we clear?!"

"C-Crystal." I stuttered.

*8 years old*

I don't wanna move. Especially not like 3 states away. My grandparents are the only thing I want. I don't want my parents. Of course I would never tell them that.

"Alex why aren't you in the fucking car?!" My mom yelled from the passenger seat. "I told you to be in 10 fucking minutes ago!"

I walked over to the car and slid the back door to the van open. I guess there was no way out of this anyway. It's not like I have a choice.

My dad was driving. Mom was asleep. Then I slowly started drifting off. A few motel and coffee shops later and there we were.

California. My dad got stationed there. He's in the army. So we move a lot.

*3 months later*

"Alex!! If you used all the fucking band aids you little fucker I will call your father!"

I ran downstairs. "Mom there was only one band aid left and I fell off my scooter yesterday I already told you."


"Yes mom." I think I already started crying. The thought of my dad scares me so much.

*30 minutes later*

He's home. Why hasn't he barged into my room yet? This was worse than him just coming in and hitting the fuck out of me.

It took another hour before he came in. Red faced and angry as hell. A black belt with blue rhinestones. Great.


I now had a black and blue butt. I had to sit on a pillow at school today. It was so embarrassing. Luckily no one asked why I needed it. Or maybe unluckily I don't know.

*13 years old*

My mother is fucking crazy. She just adopted some boy named Ben. Fuck. Dad is going to kill me. And then her. Fuck.

He was pretty good looking I guess with his shaggy black hair and emerald green eyes. He was wearing a Metallica shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and vans. Pretty similar to me. I had shaggy brown hair with gray eyes and was wearing a BVB shirt with black skinny jeans and converse.

But good looking or not my bitch of a mom was really looking for a fight. I knew she was. I was already having to put his stuff in my room. I only had a twin bed so I hope he enjoys the floor. Because I'm not giving up my fucking bed. It's a fucking pillowtop.

Ben looked really confused on where to go. I didn't blame him. My mom basically brought him in like a stray dog and then went to her room probably to sleep for 4 days.

"Hey ben?" I called.

"Yeah?" Holy shit his voice is deep. I wonder if I've even hit puberty yet.

"Y-You wanna come and see the room?" I asked timidly. He's really attractive ok? Geez.

"Sure." He got up from the couch and followed me upstairs. Just then I heard my dad getting home. I pulled him inside the room with me and locked the door. Wouldn't want him to find out what dads like on his first day.

A/N: i dont know if that was considered short or not but i may do more back stories here and there so... yeah. I really love writing this so far though it just kinda flows out. Thanks for reading :)

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