Unfortunate Souls ³ → Stiles S

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[Stiles Stilinski]


M O N E T O N C E H A D A G A R D E N O F F L O W E R S. It was his pride and joy, so much so he'd painted it, and it became one of his most well recognised works. The first time she'd heard of the artist was when she'd watched Clueless, in which Cher had called Amber a 'full on Monet'. At the time, she hadn't realised the reference was to an artist, nor did she realise he'd soon become one of her favourites.

She had an undying appreciation for art, particularly in her world of logic and rules. She loved the idea of freedom, of challenging the rules of society, and of breaking from the chain that held her to her academic responsibilities. And it wasn't just paintings, like Monet or Banksy- it was music and ballet and literature (Austen was her favourite). She found so much escape in the arts, it was like taking in a breath of fresh air every time she turned a page. Despite this, however, today she was barely finding time to concentrate in class.

It had started with a simple, 'so Colette? Isn't that French for beautiful?' (it actually started with an 'are you okay?', but that's irrelevant to the story line). Suddenly she felt as if she was abandoning every rule she ever lived by to reply to her chemistry partner.

TO 2️⃣4️⃣
actually, it means necklace
but that wouldn't have gotten me in your pants, would it now?

She was grateful for the witty repartee, Hepburn and Tracey style, amidst the disorganised chaos that had consumed her week. Between keeping Isaac in line and slowly navigating her way through the mystery that had practically filled every spare minute of her life and every second thought (she wasn't sure why she was being so obsessive about this), she'd barely found time to relax or even think of anything other than calculating what her next step is going to be.

Even at school, she found herself consumed by these texts, in the hopes that perhaps it'd make her day shorter, and then she'd get home faster and she'd be able to continue her mission within the instant. She had a number of things on her list that she needed to look up, a list of clues that filled every line and column of her notebook. She was close to cracking this, this mystery that is Beacon Hills. She was so close to figuring out what Jackson and Lydia and the grave and Kate Argent all had in common, she could feel it. So close...

no? okay, how about this one: are you related to yoda? because yodalicious

Colette rolled her eyes as subtly as she could.

TO 2️⃣4️⃣
it must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pick up line

It took Stiles a total of 0.2 seconds to reply this time around, and she shook her head at the contents of the message.

what are you talking about

i'm like the encyclopaedia of decent pick up lines

TO 2️⃣4️⃣
only cute or dirty?

both, watch this: I might not go down in history but I'll go down on you
get it? bc I'm in history

Colette let out a snort of amusement.

TO 2️⃣4️⃣
okay you need to stop texting me in class


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