Girlfiends and Boyfriends

37 4 3

When you fjnd out they got a girlfriend or boyfriend


Yo. Sorry for not updating. I just started school on myeah. I had 4 test already this week just to see if I can get into AP classes or not. I hope I do.

ALSO, I'm gonna try to update this weekend. If you haven't heard, Hurricane Harvey is coming over here in Texas.

It's predicated that it's going to be so bad. A bunch of cities and towns had to evacuate. Hell, even cities/towns that AREN'T ANYWHERE near the coast had to evacuate. Luckily, I don't live near the coast, but a bunch of people evacuated to where I live.

Traffic is so bad right now. Everywhere you go, it's packed. I'm at the grocery store as of writing this, and everyone's getting food and supplies ready. There's so many people buying stuff, that EVERY SINGLE STORE had to put a LIMIT on certain foods.

Supposedly, it's suppose to flood and rain pretty bad since we get the leftovers of the hurricane. There's suppose to be blackouts all over the city.

Okay I'm rambling. I'm sorry. If you don't believe me, look up Hurricane Harvey. Especially the memes. They're funny as hell 😂😂

Okay I'll stop. Bye guys!

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