A Rostar Family Christmas

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This was my contribution for the 2014 Secret Santa exchange. Originally made for Zarissa (CaptureAnotherStorm). Buckle up guys, it's a long one.  


You were sitting in your usual seat in Lecture Hall 3B, staring at your exam paper and biting your lip. All you had to do was get through this exam, then you were done for the semester. You could go home to your family in Traverse Town, fill up on Holiday ham, and sleep til noon every day. Just a few more sentences to your essay's conclusion, then you had to go back and fill in the answers to questions you skipped, and you would be free. You looked up at the clock and sighed. 15 minutes left. You were going to finish, then be stuck there waiting for the clock to tick down to your freedom.

You looked over at Riku, sitting a few rows in front of you, twirling his pen over the knuckle of his pointer finger. Of course he was already finished. You were willing him to look back at you, to see if he could feel your glare on the back of his head, but of course he didn't. Probably too busy being perfect, you grumbled internally. You looked the other way and saw Roxas fiercely scribbling out an answer and you grinned. At least he was struggling too. You wanted to look around for Sora, but he was somewhere behind you and you figured looking around too much might get you into trouble anyway, so you went back to your exam.


"Good god, that was hard." Roxas said, rolling his hand around to stretch his wrist out after writing the essay.

"I'm just happy that class is over." Riku agreed, though he didn't look nearly as frazzled as the rest of you.

"Me too. Professor Saïx HATED me." Sora snickered as he practically skipped out of the lecture hall.

"To be fair, you did have food stains all over every single paper you ever handed in." You shrugged.

"When you handed them in." Roxas added, a smirk on his face that matched yours.

"Whatever. C's get degrees." Sora shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets with a light, carefree smile on his face.

"Alright, so what are we doing with the rest of the day?" Riku asked, being the first to get sick of just standing around outside the lecture hall on the third floor of the English building. Radiant Garden University was beautiful and very well kept, sure, but it's not like you wanted to hang out there all day.

"I'm probably going back to bed." Roxas said, looking at his watch and seeing it was still before noon.

"Oh come on Rox, let's get lunch or something." Sora sighed. "Chocobo Hut? What do you say, Riku? ≈≈≈≈≈≈? Chocobo Hut?" He began elbowing you both lightly, and you could practically hear his stomach growling at the thought of food.

"Can't." You pushed him away from you playfully to get him to stop elbowing you.

"Can't? Why not?" Sora gushed in a wave of mix emotions. 

"Yeah, what big plans do you have?" Riku added, like you having something to do was such a novel idea. 

"Maybe she just wants to sleep." Roxas threw in and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Shut up, Roxas!" You all groaned together.

"I have a gummi ship to catch." You beamed, already day dreaming about your mothers famous hot chocolate and sugar cookies.

"Oh. You're going home today?" Riku asked, thinking back to how you made him help you sit on your suitcase to close it the other day. They knew you were going home sometime, but it seemed like none of them actually paid any attention to when you actually said you were leaving.

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