Chapter 4: Our Night

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The next day I pull up to school with a slick black suit on and of course in the Ferrari and everyone is jaw dropped staring at me a crowd asks, "where'd you get the money?" Another asks, "how'd you get a Ferrari?" All I say is: "No comment."

During third period Rosie sits down in front of me. "Where'd you get them?" She asks. "I summoned them from a different dimension." I'm playing Summoners War. "What?" "What're you talking about because we're clearly not on the same page." "I'm talking about the freaking Ferrari and all the doe, what're you talking about??" Rose freaks on me a little. "Listen Mom." I sarcastically tell her. I'm playing Summoners war haha. I got the car and cash from a little race yesterday. "You went racing?!" She whispers angrily. "Yes, MOM!" I angrily whisper back. "Ughh!" She grunts and walks away.

At lunch people are swarmed around me asking me where I got the now hottest car on campus, and the hottest clothes too. Stuck in the crowd is Sophie Benz, the girl I've been crushing on since ninth grade. She pops through all the people and sits in front of me. Before she can say anything I say, "Go for a ride sometime?" "Hehe sure thing, Ghost." I smile at her and in return I get her glamorous white smile, the crowd of people disappear and all the noise but her voice goes away, and she gave me her Snapchat. "Pick me up around 7:00? We'll catch a movie?" She asks. "Sweet. Pick you up at 7." She winks at me and I wink back.

6:30. "Mom going to the movies with Sophie be back later love you!" "Okay love you too!" I pick her up and I see her dad's face: jaw dropped, staring at my car. She gets in and we take off, as we turn we slide into a drift. We get to the movie The Last Knight. Ten minutes in we start making out. We leave and sneak in my house.

It's about 1:00 AM when we're in bed, I'm not gonna fill you in on the details just. Use your imagination. 4:00 AM: "mmmm baby I like making out with you. And..." Sophie grabs my "not-so-private-anymore" private right below my waist. I look at the clock. 4:10 AM it reads. "Honey you gotta go my mom gets up for work at five!" I tell Sophie. "Awe. Tomorrow?" "Sure babe. Tomorrow." I assure her. She leaves and I fall back asleep.

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