Chapter 1: The Night Before

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"Speed. I am, I feel, I think speed. I am speed. Speed." I quote every morning in the mirror to myself. I can't believe this shit. I'm nineteen years old, in the eleventh grade, grades some what great, and i work at the mall on Thursday nights. I can't even go out with my friends when I want to. And the worst part is, I have my own car! Oh, and my mom, works for the L.A.P.D. so i have to be extra careful when I sneak out. So what I do is: I park my car on the road behind my backyard, then when I know my mom is asleep I slip out the sliding glass door that leads to the backyard, you get the rest. My mom, sister and I moved from Florida on account of my mom getting transferred to L.A., The City of Angels. The best city in the God dang United States. Although, it is also called, in some parts of the city, the worst place in California.

"Freddy! Are you almost finished in there?! I need to...Pee?" My sister, Rose, calls through the door of the bathroom. I open the door. "We both know what you're gonna do when I get outta this bathroom. Don't we?" "Freddy! Shut the hell up." She says. "Rose, go check and tell me if you are. Is he still up stairs?" I ask Rosie, the sweetest, most innocent of the family F.Y.I. "Yes he's still up stairs. I'll tell you if i am or not okay?" "Okay good. Good luck little sis." "Thanks big bro." She says to me.

I walk up the stairs quietly. She needs to stop having late night sex with "The Pete" so he calls himself. If she's pregnant they are gonna get so much shit from mom and I'm sure his parents. Creeeaaak. Rosie's door creaks as I open it. "Aye! Pete!" I whisper to the stagnant figure laying on the pink sheets and comforter. Ugghhhh... I hear from the covers and pillows. "Pete! Get the hell up, and get the hell outta here! My mom is gonna be coming up here in a few minutes!" I whisper again to Pete. Ugghh... What to do, what to do. I step into Rose's closet and grab some old scarfs from three christmases ago. I tie the scarfs together and tie one end to Pete's foot. "Alright, Pete come on! Come on man, you gotta work with me." I tell Pete as I move him closer to the window. I open the window and can feel the nice November breeze on my face. I shove Pete's legs and feet out of the window. Rose walks into the room. "What the shit are you doing dude??" She asks. "Saving your ass thats what." I say then slowly start dropping Pete out the window. "Freddy... Ugh whatever." Rosie says and comes over to help. The scarfs slip through our hands and Pete falls out the window and into an open trashcan. "Sorry!" Rosie and I say simultaneously.

We go downstairs and are stopped by the most loving and most loved, but also sometimes almost the most feared thing. Mom. "You guys ready for school?" "Yeah." Rose and I say together. "Ok leeetss go" "alright let's roll mom!" Rose tells mom. "I'll see you there guys!" I tell them both. They get in moms minivan and pull off. I run out the back door and see Pete sleeping in the trash can. "Dude! Get the hell up and go home." I tell Pete. "Huh? Uh wha? Why am I in a trash can?" "Long ass story dude you just gotta go. NOW!" I say. Pete gets out and grabs his shirt off the ground and goes home. Ngggmmm ngm nggmmm! My car starts up and I pull off. Errrhhhhchh! My tires screech.

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