Chapter 2: Turbo Power

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Ngggmmmmmmmm! Shick chick, NGGGMMMM! My engine roars, I can feel the horsepower of my V6 engine. "Oh yeah." I say to myself then shift into fourth. Shuck chuck, MRAGHHHH! goin' down two-twenty-four at sixty-six miles an hour in my 2014 Nissan GT-R. Cars fly past me as I keep pushing and pushing my speed. I turn on the radio, "Push it to the edge, I won't back down cause it's time to go hard or go home." "One way up no way out, give it up all for the family, we stay up no bail outs, give it up all for the family!" I sing along. Newummm newumm grvoommm! Cars whiz past then are invisible. "Eat my dust, haha!" I joke. Just then, GROMMMM! A Lamborghini flies by me and leaves me in the dust. "WOAH! what the fff...?" GROMM! GROMMM! GROMM! GGGGRRROMMM!! A, what looks to be don't quote me on this, 1967 Chevy Camaro Z28, a SS Camaro 2015, a 2011 Subaru Impreza, and finally a sleek, sexy, cherry red 2015 Ferrari 458 Speciale. With a V8 engine, and a high rise double pump carburetor, also i could smell the nitrous oxide coming from the muffler. He obviously installed a special intake valve that makes his NOS non visible. I shift into sixth gear and try to catch up to them. They get off exit thirteen, I follow them into a back ally.

The ally leads us onto an abandoned runway. They pass through a booth no problem, but when I pull up to the guy, "Hold up there buddy. where you think you're going?" "Uh," I look around to find something that could help me out. A sign. I look to my right. Race Wars, A sign reads. I look back at the guy and say. "I'm going to race wars, duh." He looks at me with disbelief. "Heh, ok. License kid." I show him my I.D. "Frederick Veyron? This a joke kid?" "Freddy, it, it's Freddy." "I don't care if it's dipshittle you aint getting in just cuz you looked at the sign over there." I think to myself:Okay, Freddy think damnit, think. uhhh... "Aye kid! You're holding the line man come on get outta here." The big ape says to me. "Loui Rims!" "What'd you say?" "Loui Rims, that's the guy in the Ferrari that was ahead of me. we know each other but he doesn't like people to know." "Why?" "I don't know! Look man, you gonna let me in or what?" I say with  authority. "Uh, uh, yes sir Mr. Veyron. Actually I do see you on the list here. Go on a head sir." "Thank you."

I pull into an empty parking spot pretty close to the Ferrari. I hop out my car and walk over to Loui Rims. When I get there, "alright, alright, alright guys who's goin' and who ain't?" "Yup!" "Aye I am! "Aye me dawg!" "Okay. I'm in too." Loui and a crowd say. "What're they talking about?" I ask someone. "Racing. What you think race wars is?" "Racing yeah I know. It's pretty obvious. What's the grand prize?" "It's a turbo charge relay switch. And pinks." "Wha..?" I run into the circle. "Aye! Aye! Aye!" The dude says. I get in the circle and say, "hey! I got the pink slip to my car!" "Really?" Loui says. "Yeah." "Which ones yours?" I point to my car. Everyone follows Rims over to my car. One of his crew members checks it out. "Ben. What we got?" Rims asks. "We got a Nissan GT-R. Looks like a 2014. It has a nitrous fuel injection cross-wipe, an h-z38 hemi, a fuel injected intake valve. And." Benny says. "And what benny?" "And enough NOS to blow this car up into heaven." Benny says scarcely surprised. "How'd you get that much NOS?" The guy that I was talking to, Nate, asked me. "How you think?" I say. Loui looks at me surprised. "You stole em' huh?" "Yeah." "Nice. You're in. Yo let's get this race goin' Don!"

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