"Now then, I'll talk to the captives alone now," she told the mentors. The guards still stood, and Hazelstar grinned, eyeing the FoxClan cats.

            "Excited for tomorrow?" she asked.

            "No," Chesnuttail growled.

            "Brother, you're this close to getting your head ripped off," she spat. "I expect respect when I speak to all of you! Understand?"

            Cats nodded vigorously, while some just rolled their eyes.

            "I don't understand why you cannot learn respect. I am helping you. This forest will be yours to roam free in. When the sun rises tomorrow, your clan, your family, your friends, will be dead. And you, you will rise with MoonClan in glory and will continue this glorious breed of clan cats."

            Another huff of amusement echoed from one of the cats.

            Hazelstar immediately turned her head towards Treestep.

            "Son, what's so funny?"

            "You're insane," he muttered.

            "ENOUGH!" Hazelstar snapped. "I'll kill one of your kits. How about that?!" she snapped, edging closer to Treestep. "Or your mate? Lovely Rosecloud," she growled, shoving a claw into Rosecloud's paw. The she-cat cried in pain, and Treestep's eyes widened.

            "No, no please," he begged.

            "Then I expect you to act well-behaved. The next cat to interrupt is slaughtered, understand?"

            They nodded, and Hazelstar continued her speech.

            "You already know cats are assigned to kill you if you misbehave, so choose wisely. The second you turn against us, the second the light leaves your eyes. And what a shame it would be to see young kits watch their parents die...You will fight for MoonClan tomorrow, and afterwards, you will stay with us. It'll be a happy life, just you wait. A forest all to yourselves!"

            "Get some rest, and we'll bring you food. We must keep you in shape for tomorrow," Hazelstar told them. After they were escorted away, Hazelstar found Fire.

            "Let's speak to the rogues now," she told him.

            Fire nodded, leading her into the woods towards the clearing where the rogues were being kept. Instantly, they all stood up and paused their talking and eating to greet the leader. Hazelstar found the fallen tree and climbed on top of it, facing the many rogues who stood, watching her.

            "ROGUES!" she yowled. "Tomorrow is the battle, and I must thank you all for training hard, guarding, and even sacrificing some of your own for our sake. Tomorrow, you will share in the glory of the forest with MoonClan!"

            Yowls of glory sounded from the group of cats.


            More shouts erupted, and Hazelstar waited patiently until they finally quieted down.

            "But there is also something I must warn you about. If you do not choose to fight, you will have the same fight as the captives. Fight or face death. It is your choice. I do not know if there is an afterlife for you kind," she growled. "Fight with us, share in our treasures, and bring honor to this clan. You will make others proud, and one day, kits will whisper about the great rogues who helped bring the forest to MoonClan."

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