Lauren and Bella both walk into the dugout together laughing. Sacrifice hits were something that we always do when we have a runner on third and one out. So now we are in the lead by 4 points and have 2 outs. Jordyn walks up ready for another sacrifice hit so we can all just go home because it's late and we're all tired. She bunts the ball and takes off letting the pitcher throw her out. We all smile and get out of the dugout and line up on first base in a line with me and Bella at the very end. We go through the line saying "Good game" until we reach the captains which are always at the end. We stop at the pitchers mound facing each other. They both had an upset look on their faces maybe it was because they were on a undefeated streak until they played us.

"Hey good game. You did great pitching." I say to their pitcher. She gives me a smile before putting her hand out.

"Thanks, good game to you too. That was a great hit by the way." She says back as I shake her hand. Normally pitchers are shocked when I'm nice to them because mainly everyone knows who my family is especially Brandon Jackson, my brother's worst enemy. He's the soon-to-be gang leader of the Eastside gang. Honestly, I've never met him but from what I've heard he was horrible.

We talk for a little bit more before having to go our own ways back to our assigned dugouts. "Alright, well I'm gonna go home and shower before coming to your house." Bella says walking out the dugout with her stuff and meeting up with my brother. I walk out behind her only to get attacked with a group hug by my brother's baboons of things he calls friends.

"Ew let me go you baboons." I yells. They let me go with playful looks of hurt on their faces. I roll my eyes and pick up my bat bag that fell when they attacked me. My best friend, Carson had my backpack on one of his shoulders and smiles at me. I giggle and give him a big hug. Logan and Carson give a huge playful gasp because I didn't hug them back.

"Oh come on. You'll hug Mr. Golden Boy but you won't hug your favorite gang members." Logan says. I smirk against Carson's chest and pull away from him.

"Okay I'll go hug my favorite gang members." I say with a shrug. I walk towards them as they open their arms wide but quickly turn and go to Bryson and Dylan pulls them into a group hug. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Logan and Carson with their mouths open while everyone else laughs while my brother's hug me back. I pull away from my brother's before turning towards the baboons. "As if, you guys will never be my favorite gang members because you don't know how to treat girls. We aren't toys you know." I say. Logan and Carson huff before going and sitting in their truck. I giggle and blow a kiss at both of their trucks making them smile slightly.

"Alright, my little Jacksons and their friends. Everyone go to the Jackson household." My mom says. She kisses the top of my head before climbing into the truck with my father and younger brother Tommy. Greyson and Weston climbed into the truck with Dylan. Isabella got into the truck with Bryson who was taking her home then bring her to the house. Alex and Mason got into the same truck with Amelia and Nova. Sophia stood by my jeep waiting for my to unlock it. Carson stood by me still holding my backpack.

I hold out my hand for my bag which he gives me before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smile up at him before unzipping the small pocket of my bag and grabbing my keys out of it. I unlock my jeep letting Sophia get into the passenger seat. I open the driver side door and place my phone and keys in my seat. I walk to the trunk with Carson following behind me. "You can go you know." I say. He smiles and give me a hug before running off to his truck on the other side of the parking lot. He always forgets to move it.

My Brother's RivalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon