Chapter 25

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Bryson's POV

"Hello handsome" I roll my eyes as my grip tightens on my bag. Never did I ever think I would be walking down the halls of Westside High School willingly to attend classes.

"Back off whore." Chase's voice echoes from behind me as the guys flank me in the halls. Familiar blonde hair rushes down the halls in the same direction as I'm walking in, pushing through a crowd of people chanting outside of a classroom door.

"Bryson stop it. Let him go." Kaylee's voice echoes through the hallways as suddenly all the noise faded away as she was all I was focused on. Pushing though the crowd, I find Kaylee being held back by Logan as Bryson was pounding in the face of some guy. Kaylee's eyes find mine in a pleding matter. I nod slightly before pushing myself through the rest of the crowd and into the center of the circle that surrounded them.

"Bryson, lets go man. Come on, let him go." Logan's voice calls out as I place a hand on Bryson's shoulder slightly pulling him away from the guy. Bryson pushes my hand off trying to take another swing at the guy who was now laying on the ground laughing with a proud smile on his face. His face started looked horrid, blood seeping out of his nose and bruises literring his face. Grabbing Bryson's hand that was in the motion of another swing on the guy.

"Bryson that's enough. You made your point. Now walk away while you still can." I mumble loud enough for him to hear me but no one else. He mumbles under his breath something that I couldnt understand before getting off the guy and standing up. Multiple people rush to the bruised and battered guy as his laughter was the only thing echoing now. Placing a hand on Bryson's shoulder, I lead him towards Kaylee who finally got released by Logan. Kaylee came running up to Bryson before taking his facde into her hands to check on his injuring. Finally being able to take a good look, Bryson had cuts all over his face but he looked better than the other guy did.

"So this is the other guy than huh? The big hero from Eastside." The guys voice echos behind me as Kaylee looks over Bryson's shoulder with a glare towards him. "He doesn't look like much honey. Maybe you should stick with me. I could defintely take better care of you than he can." I tense as I realize he was talking to Kaylee.

" Shut up Marshall." Kaylee's voice sounded dangerous as she lifted Bryson's hands to look at his knuckles.

"I mean we all know I could give you more pleasu-" He stopped as I turned and swung at him. My knuckles made contact with his jaw sending him to the ground, groaning in pain. I smirked slightly as I stepped forward towards him.

Knealing down towards him on the ground, "Obviously you don't know who I am. Stay outta my way douche. Before I make you my bitch." His eyes widen in fear as realization hits him. "I'm not your average gang member, I'm the gang leader." He shuffles back in fear while trying to hold his jaw.  I smirk before standing up to my full height. 'Marshall's' friends start backing away as they saw my natural height.

Kaylee's blonde hair came into view as she grabbed my hand in both of hers to check it out. "Stupid boys and their egos." She mumbles under her breath. I chuckle softly to where I know she could hear me. Slightly leaning down a bit, I wrap my arms around her legs and pick her up causing her to squeal. "Wilson put me down." She calls out as I start walking out of the classroom still holding her. My friends, her brother and their friends follow behind us as we walk down the hallway and into another empty classroom. I set her down on a desk before taking a step back and smiling at her. She smiles back giving me one of her breath-taking smiles.

"Good morning Wilson." She says holding her arms out for a hug. I give her a wink before giving her a hug. "Thank you" She mumbles into my ear. I smile before turning and giving her a kiss on the cheek for taking another step to go and stand with my friends again.

"Thanks Wilson" Bryson says before holding out one of his bruised hands for a handshake. I shake his hand before nodding to him.

"So what the hell did we miss?" Lucas' voice sounds behind me reminding me to ask about everything that just happened. I nod and point to Lucas behind me as if saying the exact same thing.

"Okay so pretty much, Bryson and I were walking down the hall when we came around Evan harrassing Kaylee again. Well at first she looked as if she had everything under control whenever she had shut her locker and began to walk away. Well Evan had grabbed her arm, which looked pretty tight, which reminds me, are you okay Kayls?" Logan starts before turning to Kaylee who looks at her arm slight to find it starting to form a bruise in the shape of a hand, she nods before motioning him to continue the story. "Okay so anyways, what he said had ticked Bryson off so Bryson had grabbed his collar and threw him into an empty classroom and started throwing punches."

"And that's where you guys showed up, right as Kaylee had ran into the room after us." Bryson says as a girl checked on the cuts on his hand. He was sitting on the desk as a girl stood in front of him inspecting his hands.

"So what did he say that ticked Bryson off?" I asked as the same girl offered to take a look at my hand as I waved her off. Out of the corner of my eye, Kaylee glared daggers at that girl for even offering to touch me.

"You really wanna know?" Kaylee's voice makes me turn my head completely to her. I nod as she sighs. "He said about how you were just using me to get an advantage on my brother and his gang. Than continued to say how he could pleasure me in ways you couldn't, which disgusted me. He even offered to take me into a closet or a classroom and show me what he could do." She says with a shiver which made Carson Mitchells wrap an arm around her causing me to glare at him. He looks at me before smirking and leaning closer towards her.

"Mitchells stop that. I'm not about to watch my sister's boyfriend beat the hell outta you because you wanted to make him jealous. Go flirt with Logan or something. Anybody but my sister." Bryson called out causing Mitchells to remove his arm from Kaylee and scoot away. I walk towards her before wrapping my arms around her from behind holding her to my chest. She leans back slightly laying her head on my chest sighing in contentment.

"I should go kill that bastard for ever even looking at you. You're mine." I mumble into the top of Kaylee's head before placing a kiss on her temple. She chuckles before laying her tiny hands on my arms holding me there not giving me the chance to move.

"Guys, the bells bout to ri-" Royals gets cut off by the sounds of the bells going on telling us to get to class. He sighs before shaking his head. "Everytime', he mumbles. Kaylee chuckles before unwrapping my arms from around her.

"Do you guys know where you're going?" She asks grabbing my schedule from my hoodie pocket. "Oh great, we have Trig, English, lunch, and gym together." She says before handing me back my schedule. "Come on we have Trig with Rogers first. I'm not about to be late because of you guys." She grabs my hand before pulling out of the room as the guys laugh. I turn back with a slightly scared look on my face.

"Good luck boss." Lucas calls out as he steps out of the classroom behind us. "I'm down the hall in College Algebra with Logan." I roll my eyes as Lucas looks Logan up and down before nodding.

"That boy better not trying anything on anyone." I mumble as Kaylee pulls me into the previous classroom we were in for the fight.

"Hello handsome. Why don't you come sit with me? Maybe I can give you a little something something?" The same girl from the hallways says giving me a wink. I swallow the little throw up and ended up in the back on my throat.

"Oh bitch off Morgan. He's obviosuly unavaliable." Kaylee says holding up mine and her hands that ended up intertwined. 'Morgan' rolls her eyes before winking at me once again before turning to the guy next to her who was practically staring down her shirt. "Whore" Kaylee mumbles under her breath before pulling me towards two empty seats in the back of the room which were surrounded by a few Eastsider and Westsiders. I sigh before taking the seat next to hers and slightly moving my desk closer to hers.

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