Chapter 2

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Brandon's POV

She grabbed something from the back of her jeep before falling to the ground with Jaden about a foot away from her. She looked over at Jaden and then towards whatever she grabbed. A bat. She grabbed a fucking bat. Her and Jaden quickly got up with her grabbing the bat off the ground.

Jaden started walking to her. The blonde opened he mouth said something before swinging the bat and hitting Jaden right in the stomach. He fell to the ground and the blonde quickly put the bat into the back and shut it before getting into the passenger side of the jeep before it drove off. "Shit" I muttered. Someone was with her and they could of gotten a picture of Jaden.

I climb into the truck and start it. I drive over towards my best friend before getting out of the truck again. Jaden was slowly getting off the ground while holding his stomach groaning. "Fuck, she has such a hard hit." Jaden groaned before slowly walking around the truck. I chuckle before getting into the truck myself. Jaden was sitting in the passenger seat groaning while holding his stomach.

"Dude just lay your seat back so you aren't tightening your stomach." I say laughing. He turns and glares at me before laying his seat back.

"I wanna see you go against her with her having a bat." I rolled my eyes at him as he continues to glare at me.

"Who was she anyway?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I dont know. All i caught from it was that she plays softball and her name is Kaylee. Only because the girl that was in the front seat yelled 'Kaylee behind y-" he says. I slam on the breaks causing him to launch forward.

"You continued that attack even thought yoy knew someone was in the jeep? What if they got a picture of you Jaden. We are on Westside territory. They can come after us for that. Dad's gonna fucking kill us." I yell at him. Not only is he my best friend but he's my step brother as well. His mom married my dad making when we were 6 years old. We were best friends back then too.

His eyes widened. "I totally didnt think of that. Fuck, hes so gonna kill us. Let's not nention the fact that I just lost to a girl to our parents." Jaden mutters as I start to move the truck again. My phone starts to ring in the cup holder. I connect it to the bluetooth and answer without looking at the number.

"Talk to me." I say while turning right into the Eastside territory.

"You think your so slick dont you Wilson." A deep voice says over the line. My eyes widened as I slam on the breaks for the second time. I quickly pick up my phone to look at the caller ID. Unknown.

"Who is this?" I ask. I look over at Jaden and he shrugs recording the voice.

"It doesnt matter who I am. This is about what you did today. You snuck onto Westside territory and allowed your step-brother to attack a girl." They said. I smirk over at Jaden finally knowing who it is.

"Oh Jackson. You should know better than to call me. You've never been that smart Bryson." I say. They chuckle making me confused.

"Wrong Jackson bucko. You're going to get whats coming to you." They then hang up the phone. So it was a Jackson.

"Maybe it was Dylan. You know he likes to make calls." Jaden suggests. I shake my head. I know Dylan's voice anywhere. And that wasn't it.

I pull into the gang house and get out. Jaden's mom helped design this place when we were kids and I still love coming here.

 Jaden's mom helped design this place when we were kids and I still love coming here

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I walk inside with Jaden right behind me. "Brandy, you're back." My little sister Molly yells running at me. She's mine and Jadens half-sister.

I smile and pick her up spinning her around. She giggles and hugs me tightly. You see Molly is my weak spot just like Bryson's family and his girlfriend is his. Bryson's biggest weakspots is his girlfriend and his twin sister, who nobody in my gang can seem to find out, shes just nowhere to be found.

Bryson's and his girlfriend's relationship is cute and I want a relationship like that but I'll never admit that to anyone. I wanna be able to hold a girl in my arms and look at her like she means the entire world to me and never have to worry about a thing.

"Daddy's looking for you. He's in the kitchen" Molly suddenly says. I nod and set her back on the ground. I backhand Jaden softly in the cheat before walking into the kitchen, immediately wishing i did. Our mom was sitting on the counter making out with our dad.

"Oh my god. Thats so disgusting. Mom come on we cook there." I complain. My parents pull away and my mom blushes as my dad smirks. My parents have pretty much always been in love since me and Jaden were about 4, I believe. My mom left my dad shortly after I was born and left me for him to raise. Jadens dad left him when he was 2 because apperently he wasnt ready to be a father.

Their relationship is pretty much the definition of perfect. I want a relationship like theirs but not with the kids from someone else, but if it happens that way I would still love it.

"Brandon we need to talk." Dad says pulling away from mom. He gives her a peck on the cheek before leading me to his office. We sit across from each other as dad folds his hands over his desk.

"So, have you found the right one yet?" He asks. I shake my head no. I've always told my parents that I'm gonna wait until i find the right one unlike my brother Jaden, now hes a manhoe.

"Not yet. But i will find her. And she's gonna be my princess." I won't even let any female besides my mom and Molly take a step into my room. My princess is going to be the only one to ever sleep in my room or in my bed. She's gonna be the only one that I ever love.

"I believe in you son. Now onto the job. What happened?" He asks getting into gang leader mood. Its not something that's unusual. I see it pretty much all the time.

"Jaden fucked up the mission. He knew their was someone in the girls jeep but still continued. We arent sure if they took a picture or not. The girl got the best of him though. It was actually pretty funny. But someone knows what we did because I got a call as soon as we got into Eastside territory. It was a Jackson, I know that for sure because they said 'Wrong Jackson'" I say. My dad chuckles when i say that the girl got the best of Jaden.

"How did she get the best of him?" He asks suddenly curious. I start laughing.

"She was fighting him back and you could tell that he was starting to give up. He let her get close enough to her jeep to grab something. You know what she grabbed? A softball bat. Oh my god. Dad it waz hilarious, she hit him with the bat in his stomach and he complained the whole way home." I say while laughing. My dad starts laughing too as my mom walks in.

"What's so funny?" She asks. She takes a seat on my dads lap and sets the tray of drinks she brought in down on the desk.

"Just that some girl got the best of Jaden." Dad says kissing mom on the cheek.

"She did not" Jadens voice sounded through the walls. Jaden storms into the room and looks at me. "You swore that you wouldnt tell them." He mutters. I start laughing again while shaking my head. "Im gonna get her back soon. No one gets the best of Jaden Everhart" He mutters again. Suddenly his legs were pushed from beneath him causing him to fall into the floor. Molly stood behind where he was standing smiling.

"Looks like another girl got the best of you." Dad says laughing again. Soon everyone besides Jaden was laughing. He was sitting on the floor pouting.

"This isnt fair. I wasn't ready for either of the fights." He crosses his arms and pouts again. I will my eyes and push him over with my foot.

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