Chapter 4:Mountain Battle:Person Talking:Josh

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Note to self never and I mean never turn your back on a zombie with four arms,bad breath,sharp teeth and red eyes......seriously that thing packs a punch.Anyway I woke up to the sound of a boom and Dante' ,A.C and I on a stone platform sliding down the mountain.
Josh:Wha What is...
Dante':Long story short your fine and the zombie king is still alive.
Josh:Now I remember that little..
A.C:Ok Josh isn't this supposed to be for kids?
Josh :I was going to say idiot! anyway have my back I'll deal with that zombie king.
I have to admit there were good reasons to be in minecraft example I am a pro at killing zombies.The first zombie who I named Fred was back flipped over and ended up headless.Then there was little Gary who got kicked off into the avalanche I looked back once in a while watching my friends' progress Dante' blew a zombies face off with his TnT and A.C cut off all the zombies limbs and kicked it into the avalanche. When I finally reached the zombie king I think he recognized me he forgot about balancing on the stone slabs he was on and parkoured towards me.
Josh:Come on you menace they should call you zombie princess.
We both went head on I rolled under him and cut his arm off.
Dante' joined the fight and lit him on fire(which was a waist of time because he can't burn for some reason.)
Dante': I know I've been saying this a lot but what's the plan?😅
I really suck as leader don't I,I did the usual of course dodge a three handed zombie and think.
Josh: Oh this one is easy
Josh: Beat the crap out of this guy
A.C then jumps in and slams him into the ground leaving him there unconscious.
A.C:Hello guys what did I miss kinda was dealing with the other zombies so sorry I'm late where is the king anyway?
Josh:You just you just threw him to the ground
A.C:Wait it's that guy well he looks unconscious
Zombie King:Argghhh
A.C:Or not quick help me kick him off
They then  kicked him off with a large thump.
Dante':Well that was ....
Josh:Dante' no!
Josh:And we are dead
Zombie King:Argghhh

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