Chapter One: North High School 2014

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Jennifer's P.O.V

"Hey Jennifer!" Alex called. I glanced over my shoulder but kept walking towards the gym. "Jennifer!" Alex repeated. "Hey Jennifer!" I turned around. "What?" I snapped. "What's wrong?" Alex asked. "You've been avoiding me all morning!" "Nothing's wrong," I told her. "Everything's perfect." "If this is about the pictures I took of you and Taylor then I'm sorry! It was supposed to be a joke!" I kept walking. "It's not about that."

Alex stopped me. "Then what's it about?" "Nothing," I told her. "It's about nothing." Then under my breath, "Nothing you did anyway."

I was working on my history assignment in the library when Taylor and Alex came in. "Okay," Alex dropped her backpack in the seat across from me. "Something's up." "Nothing's up and go away. I'm busy," I replied glaring at her. "C'mon Jennifer." Taylor looked me in the eye. I looked away.

They both watched me intently. I sighed. "Fine. After school."

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