Chapter 19 - Fuck You!

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I ran away from the presenter, to think she would do that. Stop me and ask what's happening. She could clearly see what the fuck was happening. And I've just realised that I just told someone, who had a live camera beside her, that Sammie is my girlfriend.

Fuck it, they were going to find out soon. Like come on, our lives are in the internet, our relationship would be leaked anyway. Plus, I'd probably blurt it out, or the guys will.

As I got outside of the stadium, I could see the ambulance leave. I placed my hands upon my knees and gasped for air. That much running tired me out. I stood up properly and saw the guys and girls standing around, staring at the ambulance that was driving away in a quick hurry.

"People, let's get to the hospital!!" I shouted. "Simon, some of us still need to stay and cover everything." Vik stated. We quickly discussed who was staying and who was coming with.

Vik, Skye, Freezy, Lux, Evie, Mandy, Melody, Weller and a couple others stayed, whereas myself, Josh, Taylor, Freya, JJ and Rocky got into Josh's car. I took the front seat, whilst the others crammed themselves into the back.

Once all of us were buckled in, Josh drove as quick as he could to the hospital. Not going to lie, if there was police around, Josh would probably get so many speeding tickets.

Once we parked in the parking space situated in front of the hospital, i unbuckled my seatbelt and ran straight into the hospital. I pushed the double doors with so much force that it hit against the wall behind it, making a loud noise. People in the waiting room, staring at me, but I didn't give a shit.

I made my way to the reception desk and rolled my eyes instantly. It was the receptionist from before, who said that she would be a much better girlfriend than Sammie. Such a sket.

"Sammie Hobson?" I said, as the receptionist typed away. "Currently beginning treated. No visitors allowed until doctor says its alright." The receptionist said, whilst looking straight at the computer screen. Once she avert her gaze to me, she smirk and leaned forward.

"Is your girlfriend in the hospital again?" She asked, still smirking. "Yes she is." I spat. "Angry are we? I like that in a guy." She said smugly. "You have no right to talk to me in a seductive way when you are in a committed relationship." I said. "But you are sure loving the attention. This is the second time you've come here. You clearly just want to see me." She states.

I looked at her, angry sourcing throughout my body. "My girlfriend is currently in here. Do you think I come here to gawk over you? I'm here for a reason, to make sure my girlfriend is okay, because quite frankly you can't seem to process that. Do you think that doing this is going to any good on your behalf? You are trying to get the attention of someone who is not interested in you. Are you not satisfied with your partner?" I question. I could feel the presences of the others behind me, as well as all the people that were currently in the waiting room.

The receptionist stayed quiet. "My partner divorced me." The receptionist said in a small whisper. "And what was the reason for that?" I asked. "Cheating." She stated, her voice at a normal volume. "Cheating does no good. Do you love your partner?" I asked. She nodded. "Then why cheat? If you loved your partner so dearly, why cheat?" I questioned.

"I don't know." She stated. "Right now, your partner is hurting. Your partner trusted you and what did you do? You crushed his trust by sleeping with someone else. Love is a strong emotion, once you love them dearly, you would do anything for them. You wouldn't just gain their trust and throw it away like a piece of trash. You would treasure it. Its rare to find the one, so with whoever you are with, treasure every second of it. Since you cheated, and now divorced, all you are left with is heartbreak and regret. No-one wants to feel something like that." I stated, wiping a tear that was cascading down my face.

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