Chapter 5 - Meeting The Team

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"Should we have a warm up of hitting the crossbar?" I suggested, whilst we walked onto the field again. "Yeah!" JJ shouted, making us laugh slightly. "Whoever gets the ball first goes first!" Josh shouted, grabbing the football off me and kicked it up in the air.

Harry and Ethan ran for the ball and just like the Wembley Cup, they lost their balance and fell to the ground, making all of us laugh at them, even they were laughing at what they did. "You guys are Twats." Calfreezy said, loud enough for then to hear. "Shut up Caltripod!" Ethan yelled, laughing afterwards.

Ethan and Harry got back to their feet and saw the ball on the other side of the stadium. "Not it!" Ethan yelled, making Harry groan. Harry ran towards it whilst we caught up with Ethan.

"Guys, I'm gonna just vlog for now." Vik announced, showing us his vlogging camera. We nodded and ordered ourselves in who's going when. Since Harry got the ball, he would start, only fair.

"As a warm up, the Sidemen, besides myself, both Cals and Joe will be doing the crossbar challenge. Let's see how that goes." I heard Vik say to his camera.

Harry - Missed
JJ - Missed
Tobi - Hit
Ethan - Hit
Josh - Missed
Callux - Missed
Joe - Hit
Calfreezy - Missed
Myself - Hit

After our warm up, I heard a voice. "Here we have the field. The team that are against you are here having a practice. Stay here for a moment, ad I need to quickly talk to the other team. I'll introduce them to them! " I heard Sally say. "Guys!" I said, audible enough for them all to hear. They looked at me, "The other team is here, act like were practicing.!" I said and JJ kicked the ball at Josh.

Josh then kicked the ball to me and we just kept on kicking it to one another. "Hey guys we are here at Wembley, sorry to keep it a secret from you guys, you know we all hate it. Anyways we are here and ready to meet the team we are going to be up against." I heard a voice say.

I looked at the guys and they looked at me. 'Vloggers?" I mouthed and they shrugged. I looked at Vik, 'Vlogging Camera, pass it.' I mouthed and he nodded, handing it to me.

I turned the camera on and put myself and others in shot. "We are about to meet the team we're up against. We think, well I think someone's vlogging. So could be a group of vloggers." I whisper. I was about to open my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Josh.

"WHY JJ!!" I heard him say, I turn round and see him on the lying on the floor, placing his hands near his crotch as a shield. JJ was laughing hysterically. "JJ you twat!" Ethan said, trying his best to his his laughs but failed. Ethan's laugh could probably be heard from outside of the stadium. Once Josh got up, he messed up JJ's hair, it looked like the end of a paintbrush, no joke.

"What happened here?" I heard some one say. Sally. She was standing with her arms crossed, the clipboard in between her arms and chest, and a smile on her face. "JJ just hit Josh in the balls for no reason." Harry explained to Sally, pointing at Josh who's back was facing us. "You okay Josh?" Sally asked, "Yeah." He said, his voice a little bit higher than usual. I tried my best to hold my laughter in but I couldn't. We all laughed, even Sally did. Josh's cheeks went red from embarrassment.

"GUYS!" Sally shouted. Our laughter died down and we looked at her. "Let's stop laughing at Josh's voice change and meet your competitors!" Sally said, yelling the last part. "The Pact!" She shouted. (not The Pack okay)

Why does that name sound so familiar?

The team walked onto the field and made their way to us. That's when I remembered them. They were in a video that was recommended to my from YouTube. I watched it and I was in love with the leader of The Pact.

I could name them all, but I'll let them introduce themselves. I looked at the other guys and their jaws dropped. I laughed slightly at them. "This is The Pact. The Pact meet The Sidemen, they are your competition." Sally said, a huge smile on her face.

"I forgot to ask who was here. The Pact, please say your names, so I can take note." She said, maneuvering herself so she was ready to write their names.

"Freya, Melody, Ash, Hannah, Taylor, Rocky, Kasey, Skye, Evie, Charlie and Sammie." They said individually. I couldn't help but stare at Sammie, just look at her. She looked beautiful, even if her hair looked slightly messy, she still looked beautiful. "Any of your sub's here?" Sally asked and they shook their heads. "1 is sick, 1 is at work and the other is currently on a flight back her as she was on holiday." Sammie explained. God her voice sounded so angelic.

Sally nodded, "Well have fun practicing, boss wants me. Bye!" Sally exclaimed walking away, whilst waving at us. "Bye!" We exclaimed. "Hey aren't you guys from YouTube?" Ash, I think her name was Ash, said. "Yes we are." Calfreezy exclaimed. "I knew that name was familiar!" Sammie announced. "All your videos are great. I love them." She told us and I smiled. "I like your videos too." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I look at her and see her blush slightly. "What u do videos too?" JJ asked, which made Calfreezy and Josh smack his head. "Did you not hear then when they walked it, it was obvious they were talking to a camera." I told him.

"How would know that then?" JJ said, crossing his arms and smiling smugly. "Because Skye is holding a vlogging camera similar to mine." Vik pointed out. I handed his vlogging camera back to him and he thanked me.

"Pass that ball will ya?" I heard Evie shout. Since Manny had the ball in his hands he kicked it and Evie instantly headed it. "Someone get it!" I heard her shout. Sammie instantly ran for it and did a bicycle kick. The ball flew into the goal. My jaw dropped. This is what made me fall for her, her looks, her personality and her football skills.

"I have a bet to propose!" Vik announced. "Go on?" We all said in unison. "Play a game of kicky uppeys. The losing team has to buy drinks. I am excluding myself from this challenge so you have to do the same." Vik told them and Skye volunteered herself out and walked next to Vik.

"Let the best team win!" I announced.

A/n I said double updates yes, but today I'm not feeling it. I'm on work experience and I'm knackered. stead I give you a long chapter. sammiehobson you have finally been introduced into the chapter. See you in another chapter .

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