Chapter 6 - Crush?

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Let's say, that the Sidemen won and the Pact lost. "YES!!" JJ yelled making us laugh. "Guess we lost." Sammie announced, holding the ball to give to me. I grabbed the ball out of her hands, my hand touching hers slightly. I took the ball out of her hand and saw her blush. She looked away from me and I let out a little laugh. "Guess we have to buy drinks." Skye told us, making her way towards us, Vik close behind.

"To be honest, Keepy Uppeys are not our forte. Trickshots are. As you saw previously, Sammie did an amazing bicycle kick." Ash said, placing her arm around Sammie's shoulder. "That was a good bicycle kick, better than mine." Manny told them and they smiled. "So drinks?" Melody questioned and we all nodded. "I think we should get to know each other over drinks." Josh said, "Since Sammie has seen Simon's videos and Simon has seen hers, we should all have a chat." He continued. "That's actually a goo idea!" Hannah announced. "Lets go get some drinks and get to know each other." Tobi said and we made our way out of the field.

~Skipping to them in the canteen. Originally going to a bar, but I was like maybe later on~

"Thanks for the drinks girlies." JJ said, and at that moment I knew, JJ fucked up. Rocky had an angry expression on her face. I looked at the other members on The Pact and they had a scared expression on their face. I looked at the guys and they were confused. Just like that, Rocky grabbed JJ's arm and put it behind his back. "ROCKY STOP!" I heard Evie and Skye shout, but she ignored them. Sammie instantly got up and took Rocky away from JJ. Sammie whispered in Rocky's ear and her expression turned from anger to shocked. "JJ, I-I'm so so s-sorry.." Rocky stuttered and she ran out of the door. "Taylor, check on her." Sammie told her, yet she was already out the door. "I knew that was going to happen.." She muttered under her breath quietly. "What happened?" I asked Sammie and she looked up at me, she looked like she was going to cry.

"It's not my story to tell, but I'll have to tell you in case this situation ever happens again." She told all of us. She looked at JJ and smiled slightly. "I'm sorry Rocky did that, but she has a reason to do that." Sammie looked back at all us, back at the girls, who nodded, and she looked back at us. "Rocky had a rough childhood and had a rough relationship. We all know about it. Certain things trigger her into turning from a strong, sweet person to an angry machine. Just by the click of a finger, she changes back to herself and she breaks down. It wasn't until Taylor found out and took her away from all that. That was the same day that she met all of us. We never knew that 'girlies' could trigger her, but I would understand why she would change." Sammie told us.

"I feel sorry for her.." Ethan said and we all nodded. "I wouldn't believe a beautiful girl like her would have to go through all of that." I heard JJ say. I looked up at him and he looked down at the table. He looked like he was blushing. "JJ?" I asked and he looked at me. Definitely red tint to his cheeks. "Do you fancy Rocky?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows and he blushed more. "NO WAY!" Harry shouted. "NO WAY!" The others said.

"God you guys are acting like girls. And that's saying something!" Skye announced, making the girls and us laugh. "Alright, I do like her. I mean what's not to like? Her perfect black hair, her piercing blue eyes that look like the ocean, her tanned skin tone. She legit looks like a model." JJ told us. The girls awwed, making him blush. "#Jocky!" Vik announced, making us laugh.

Rocky and Taylor walked back. Rocky walked towards JJ, "I am so sorry that I did that to you, sometimes things can trigger my past and I act like a angry person. I am so so-" Rocky was cut of by JJ engulfing her into a hug. "Its okay. I understand." He told her, and she returned the hug.

JJ sat down and Rocky went to Taylor. "Shall we go around and get to know each other?" Callux asked, "Lets start with Simon!" Callux said, putting me on the spot.

~Skip because I'm a lazy shit who can't be asked and needs sleep~

Once we told them about us, and they told us about them, we went back on the field to do some trickshots. "Lets see how good you guys are at trickshots then as you say you are 'better' at these." Joe said, putting air quotes on better.

Sammie - Bicycle Kick

Rocky - Volley Kick

Skye - Round The World

Ash - Roulette

Hannah - Megs

Taylor - Rainbow Flick

Freya - Nut-Meg

Melody - Cross Over

Kasey - Henry Heel Flick

Evie - Panna

Charlie - Tornado Twist

(I had to ask for these okay, I only know a couple of these)

I was amazed, these girls can actually do some great tricks. "Your guys turn!" Sammie said, throwing the ball at me and I instantly caught it. "Nah, you win." Josh announced making the girls laugh. "I'm not gonna lie, you guys are fucking talented!" Harry told them, making them laugh. I looked at Harry and saw his staring at one of the girls. I looked in his direction and saw he was staring at Charlie. She seems like a shy girl, but she has mad skills.

I looked at Sammie and my heart fluttered. Her brown hair, her glistening brown eyes, need I go on? Just her in general makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. I think I'm falling for her.. Wait! I can't be, can I? I mean yeah I believe in love at first sight, but I've only met her for about an hour or so. I swear the majority of the guys are falling for these girls, but what will happen when the actual match happens?

I can't be falling for Sammie, she's the competitor, the 'enemy', I can't be...

a/n don't hate me for not uploading okay. @sammiehobson don't hate me because of that last sentence..

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