Chapter 4 - Arrival

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"This is it guys!" Ethan exclaimed whilst Josh parked up. "This is still unbelievable!" Callux exclaimed. Out the cornet of my eye, I saw Vik pulling out his vlogging camera.

"We have finally arrived at the secret location. I think it's time we show you where were are exactly." Vik said, turning his camera around so the views can have a clear view of Wembley. "We're at Wembley!" All of us except Vik announced. "That was so not planned." Vik continued, making us laugh. "Let's go inside!!" I exclaimed, whilst grabbing my duffle bag next to my feet and made my way out of the car.

Afterwards, Josh locked the car whilst we waited for the rest. "Pass me a can of Red Bull?" Myself and Calfreezy asked Ethan. When we got given the can, Harry's car pulled up. Once everyone was out of Harry's car, a women who looked 5" 8 walked towards with a big smile on her face and a clipboard in hand.

"Hi guys, you must be the Sidemen?" The woman spoke in a calm and polite tone. We all nodded and she looked down at her clipboard, writing something in the process. "My name is Sally, I will be showing you around the place. Before we start, may I have your names so I know who is here." Sally said, waiting for us to announce our names.

"Josh, Ethan, Simon, Harry, JJ, Tobi, Manny, Cal, Cal, Joe and Vik." Josh told Sally. She ticked our names off and looked at us all. "Will your substitutes be joining or will that be another time?" She asked. "They will be coming next time." JJ told her and she nodded. "This way." She told us, pressing the clipboard to her chest and walked towards the entrance. 

"The other team has not arrived yet, so you have a lot of time. Have any of you guys eaten at all?" Sally asked. "We had a Nando's like an hour ago." I told her. "Okay. If you ever feel hungry, feel free to go into the food court." She told us, pointing at the double doors on her left. We continued walking for a bit until she stopped. She turned around and faced us, "Here is the changing rooms. Hope you have fun practicing." She told us. "Cheers." We all told her. She smiled and walked away from us. 

We enetered the changing rooms and saw how cool it was. (Right I'm going to make this up). When you walk in you can see the colours red, white and black. On one wall, there were signatures from famous footballers that played here. I placed my duffle bag on the bench opposite the signed wall and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. 

I quickly took a picture of the wall and tweeted it. Once I pressed post, instant replies came through. Most people were asking where I was and some were like are those such and such signatures. I placed my phone back in my pocket and made my way to my duffle bag. 

"Shall we go practice first or is anyone getting food?" Tobi asked. We agreed on practising first as we're not that hungry, plus we'll probably be hungry after practicing. 

~Time Skip to when they are all dressed~

We all left the changing rooms and mad our way to the field. As we stepped foot onto the field, I looked around. I can't believe that we will be playing here. Imagine this arena packed full off people. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I got hit in the balls with something. I fell to the ground due to the pain and saw a football next to me, and I hear the sound of laughter. JJ and Ethan's laugh stood out the most as they are loud, but I knew it wasn't them. Out the corner of my eye I saw Josh picking up the football beside me. 

"Sorry mate, but I had to snap you out of your thoughts." Joe told me whilst he crouched in front of me. "You're a dick." I told him, making the others laugh. Once the pain subsided, I got up and made my way to the pthers who were on the pitch. "Shall we have a little warm up before doing a little game. Like penalty shoot outs?" Manny suggested and we agreed.

~After The Warm Up~

We were all getting slightly hungry, so we left the field and went to the food court. I wasn't that hungry so I got myself a bottle of Lucozade, whilst the others got something to eat and drink. "Hey guys!" I heard a female voice say. I turned around and saw Sally walk in. "Hey Sally!" We said and she smiled. "I see you're in your gear. I'm guessing you've seen the field." She continued and we nodded. "Have you heard anything from the other team? We were told in the letter that the other chosen team will be coming today so we can meet each other." Ethan asked Sally and she looked down at her clipboard. 

"Oh, the other team are a bit delayed in traffic, so they'll be a tad bit late here. But you will be able to meet them." Sally told us and we smiled. "Well I best be off, I've got to get all the tickets for the match done." Sally told us and we said our goodbyes.

After everyone finished their food, we decided to make our way back to the field to warm up a bit more. JJ had that idea just to clarify. I mean, warming up is good, but JJ sees it differently. He wants us to warm up so in case the other team comes in, they can see how good we are. Yet the only thing that's running through my head is;

How good are they? 

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