Chapter 1

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Hi guys I'm back hope you guys don't hate me.

Legacy's POV

Hi my name is Legacy-Ann Cerulli. My dad is Chris Motionless from motionless in white. I'm 17 years old and have pale skin and pin straight black hair with greyish-greenish eyes. I'm constantly being bullied at school and it doesn't really help when I'm being abused at home by my mom and her boyfriend.

Well right now I'm getting ready for school and I'm trying to hurry so I don't have to deal with the she devil. I was wearing an of mice & men shirt with some black ripped at the knee skinny jeans with my all black vans. I already did my hair so I grabbed my beanie and put it on, grabbed my bag and quietly walked out.

I finally got to the school and as I was walking to my locker I was pushed down to the ground to see the one and only Zack the schools most popular jock and the biggest bully.

"Hey slut."

"How the fuck am I a slut asshole."

"Ooo the slut has a mouth. Maybe I should fix that."

I am pulled to my feet and shoved into the lockers. I groaned in pain as he punched me. Once he was done I got my stuff and decided to ditch. I went home and luckily my mom and her boyfriend wasn't home. I went to my room and fell asleep.

A few hours later

I was woken up to someone knocking on the front door. I go downstairs and open it to see the police there.

"Uh hi."

"Are you Legacy-Ann Cerulli?"

"Uh yes."

"I'm sorry, but your mom is in the hospital she was in a very bad car wreck. He boyfriend was dead at the scene. I'm going to need you to come with me."

"Uh ok just let me get some shoes and my jacket."

I went upstairs and put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket and went back downstairs. I got in the back of the cop car and we were at the hospital in fifteen minutes.

I got off and went to the nurses station and asked for my mom.

"Um what room number is Caitlin Gonzalez is in?"


"Uhm her daughter."

"Room 325"

I went to the room and I saw her there hooked up to a whole bunch of machines and tubes. I would be crying right now but I'm not, I'm kinda relieved cause I don't have to deal with her bullshit for a while. I mean yeah I love her and all but she treated me like shit.

"Are you Legacy-Ann Cerulli?"

"Yea that's me."

"Well I'm Dr.Robert and well I'm just going to tell you straight. Your mom is in a coma but she has very little chance of surviving. Your mom was conscious before she went into the coma and she have me this."

It was a letter for my dad.

Dear Chris,
I know you probably don't remember me but you should know this you have a daughter. Her name is Legacy-Ann Cerulli. I gave her your last name cause I thought she should have something of you but she has everything of you. She looks so much like you. Im sorry that I never told you I just didn't know how.
                   Love always, Caitlin.

As I was finishing reading up the letter I was being pushed out of the room.

30 minutes later
I've been sitting outside of my mom's room waiting for the doctor come out and say something.

"Legacy I'm sorry we tried everything but your mom didn't make it."

I just got up out of the chair I was sitting in and walked off home. When I got home I just went to my room and just laid there for a while until I got up and went to my mom's room and went through everything until I found what I was looking for.


So what do you think she was looking for find out in the next chapter.

Chris Motionless is my dad. Where stories live. Discover now