Chapter 16

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I woke up and everyone was still sleeping. I then got up quietly and I think I woke up Hollie in the process.

"Morning babe" I said. "Morning" She said with a smile.

"You wanna make breakfast with me?" She asked. "Sure!"  I said.


Well first, what do you wanna make? I asked Baylor. "How about pancakes?"

"Okay!" I said smiling. We walked downstairs and went to the kitchen.

I got out a pan and Baylor got the other stuff. We began making it.

Five long minuets passed as they were ready. "They look good!" Baylor told me.

"Thanks but you made them too!" I said. We laughed and went upstairs to get everyone up.

"Hey! get up! We said yelling and jumping on everyone. They all groaned and I said," Breakfast is ready!"

They all shot up and ran downstairs. It was funny! So we all ate and got ready.

"What do you guys wanna do today? Mikaela asked. "Uhh I'm not sure!" Said John Stephen.

"I got an email." Said Cole. Tt says,"

DWB HAS A meet n' greet this weekend! In Los Angeles at 2pm to 5pm. Be there by friday! xx , Rachel.

Rachel was their manager thing.

Anyways," Oh. Guys, we have a meet n' greet in LA!" Screamed Cole!

"Ahh! yay!" We all were excited to go to LA. We have to be there by Friday. Said Cole.

"What's today?" I asked. "Sunday." said Jenna.

Jenna practically lived with us. "Well sorry to break the news but, I have to go back home." Mikaela said.

"Aw you should stay with us?" Said John Stephen. "I have school." But I'm sure I could go to LA with y'all." She said.

"Oh okay." Well when do you have to go?" Asked John Stephen.

"Probably around 6pm" Mikaela said. "Okay well we have time!" Said John.

Everyone was dressed and we didn't know what to do.

"I know what we could do!" said Jenna.

Let's make a vine!" She said again.

"Okay!" We were all happy.

We all went upstairs and sat on the couch. "Any ideas?" Asked Cole.

"Oo ooh!" Said Baylor raising his hand. We laughed and said, "What is it?"

"Okay could do like The Creatures Of Walmart?" "Perfect!" We all said.

We need more people. We got Clay, Jordan and Eli. And other people.

We all headed to walmart and went to a random Isle and I was filming.

We found a lady and we began. The younger kids started running and screaming and the boys were in a hoodie!

It was hilarious! The women looked confused. It was so funny!

We all tried not to laugh. So we finished that and headed home. It was not 4pm and we had just got home.

We dropped Clay and Eli off at Coles house and Jordan went to her friend's house.

We arrived and went inside. "Well that was fun! "Everyone agreed.

"Now what?" Said Baylor. "I know!" Let's go skateboarding.

"Okay!" Said everyone. There was nothing else to do.

We all got on our Penny's and rode through town. It was really fun!

Well we did that for an hour and it was now 5pm. We were done and went back inside.

"I have to go soon!" Said Mikaela. John Stephen looked sad. "Aw." Said John.

Well on the bright side, you'll see Eachother on Friday! And y'all could FaceTime too." Said Cole.

"True!" Said Mikaela and John.

"Let's watch tv and relax." I said.

We all went upstairs and sat in the floor. Baylor turned on Spongebob and we all laughed.

It was now 5:30 and Mikaela had to get going. " I'll walk you to the door." John said.

Her parents were coming to pick her up. "Well this is it for awhile." Said Mikaela.


"Well it's only for a week. We can still FaceTime and everything!"

"Yeah. I just never had a relationship like this. I mean I really like you John." Said Mikaela.

I like you too. I smiled. And she smiled back.

I hugged her and she kissed me on the cheek. I told her bye and text me asap.

"Bye!" she said waving. I waved back.

She shut the door. and I went upstairs. "Well she went home." I said.

"It's alright, you'll see her on Friday." Said Hollie. She always knew what I say.

"Well I'm kinda tired." I looked at the time on my phone and it was 6pm.

We all got into our pajamas and turned out the lights. We already ate dinner so that killed time.


I yawned and cuddled into Baylor's chest. I guess This was another sleepover.

Everyone soon fell asleep around 10pm.


Lol hoped you like it. and about the instagram, I don't have one where it shows the characters . it's just like a regular one but if you wanna follow it it's @Holliemarie08

Thanks for 1.3k reads also!

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