Chapter 5

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Today was the day that I was going to finally tell her that I liked her. I was kinda nervous to be honest but anything for her.

Hollie said," So what were you going to tell me?" Well I sighed. and I told her to sit down.

She sat down and I said," We'll listen.. the day I saw you I knew that I couldn't let you go. I'm glad I saved you. You mean the world to me and I wanted to say you are perfect and anyone would be lucky to have you. I like you Hollie."


Oh my gosh Baylor! I-I-I like you too! I said. "Really?!" He said. "Yeah!!" I hugged him and smiled big.

I can't believe you like me. I never thought you would. "Same too you!" He said looking into my dark brown orbs.

He sat down on the couch and I sat down next to him and I kissed him. Sparks flew everywhere and my stomach flipped.

I pulled away. We both smiled and Cole walked in. "Ohh you saw that?" I said. Cole said," Yepp.." We laughed. He said he even got a pic. Wow. Was he always here when we kiss or something?

Baylor told him not to post it on Instagram. But it was to late. I knew I was gonna get a lot of hate!

One of the comments already said,"

(I made these username up)

Baylorismine123- eww Baylor, you can do better than that!!

Ccaatt32- OMG that's gross. Who would want to kiss that ugly girl.

Oh my gosh. Aready hate, and it hasn't even been 5 minuets. "Hollie, it'll be fine. Just they are jealous."You're right." I told him.

I smiled. Mrs. Barnes called me downstairs. "I'll be right back." I ran downstairs to her and she gave me a box.

"What's this?" I ask. she said," You'll see! now open it!" I opened it and it was an iPhone 5! "Oh my gosh thanks!" I hugged her and ran upstairs to share the news.

I tell Baylor and Cole what I got! They said," Whoa cool!" Yep!! I said while sitting next to Baylor.

"Oh my gosh I just noticed I never got your numbers and your ages." I laughed and so did they.

I gave then my phone to type in their numbers. And Baylor said he's 16 and Cole was 17. "Oh good. I'm 16 too."

They handed me my phone and they said,"Oh cool." We all laughed. I also just noticed that John Stephen wasn't here. "Where is he?" I wondered.

"I'll text him." Said Cole. "Okay!" I played on my phone and I downloaded instagram. Baylor showed me how to use it.

He also gave me a shoutout. I posted my first picture on it and it was of me and Baylor making funny faces.

My caption was," with this nerd haha I love ya Baylor!:) @baylorbarness"

I already had 100 followers! Wow. He told me that's not even close to what he had.

"What? you have 10 followers??" I joked around. "No! I have over 230k." Wow that's more than I expected.

We both laughed and I said to Cole," Where's he at?" He's at his house." Oh. should we go there?" I ask.

"Yesh! lets go. "yesh?" Baylor asked. "yes. it's "yes and yeah." ohhh.."  We both laughed.

We all got into Baylor's car and drove to his house. We arrived and went inside. His parents weren't home. I yelled," JOHNNN!" He said,' Up here!"

We ran upstairs and he was on his phone in bed. "Hey! why didn't you come over?" I asked. He said," Well you know.. I didn't want to see you and Baylor together."

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Well I really like you Hollie." He said playing with his fingers. "Ohh." I gave him a short hug. "But I kinda told Baylor I liked him. Which I do, don't get me wrong."

He looked sad and lay back in his bed. I sat on his bed and said," It's okay John. You'll always be my best friend!"

He said ," thanks you too" with a smile.

He got up and sat by me. He grabbed my hand to pull me up.

Then all the sudden he pushes me against the wall and smashes his lips against mine. "JOHN!! what are you doing!?" I pushed him away!

"I can't believe you!" I was mad. My face turned red. And Baylor heard me yell and he rushed in to his room.

"What happened!?" I hurried in Baylors arms and hugged him.

"John, What did you do?? " He asked angrily. "I- I- I kissed Hollie!" I'm sorry Baylor.. I couldn't help myself!"

Baylor pushed me off of him and he said I can't believe you Hollie! He walked out of the room and left me.

"Wait! Baylor! My face turned even more red. "JOHN! See what you do!" Oh my gosh, I'm going home! And not to Baylors house!!"

"Hollie! No! You can't go back to that house!" Said John. "Watch me." I said in anger.

I ran past Baylor and Cole down the stairs. I quickly ran to my house.

Cole and Baylor said," Wait where's she going!?" Hurry! she's going to get house. And not yours Baylor. HERS.!"

"Guys we have to get her." Said Baylor. "I didn't mean to hurt her like that! I hate myself." Said Baylor.

"C'mon Baylor," said the boys.


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