"Who she?" he asked the older slave. 

He looked at Carl and handed him Jaeanne's rope, "You're new buddy." with that he walked away leaving Carl and Jaeanne in a very awkward position.

 "So, you got a name?" Jaeanne gave Carl a confused look, "That's okay... I think I'ma call you... Paul."

 Jaeanne just looked at Carl and sighed, she had no idea what anyone was saying to her and she was exhausted. A few moments later she passed out. Luckily, Carl caught before she fell face first into the ground. Carl had to drag Jaeanne into his and his mother's small cabin. After successfully placing Jaeanne inside and getting her cleaned up, with the help off his "Grandma" of course, Carl plopped down next to her sleeping figure and fell sleep on her shoulder. 

****9 years later*****

Over the past nine years Carl and Jaeanne have grown inseparable. Whenever Carl would get in trouble, Jaeanne gladly took the heat. Carl in turn, decided that he would protect and want only the best for Jaeanne. Even if it meant sacrificing himself.

Jaeanne walked into the cabin after a long day to see a dead rabbit with quite a few stab wounds and no legs. She looked at Carl, the rabbit, and then back to Carl. "Carl! There is a dead rabbit on the ground!" 

"Oh...Hey...How did he get here?"

"Caaaaarl, what did you do?!"

"Me? Uh, I didn't do this this!"

"Explain what happened Carl!"

"I've never seen this rabbit before in my life!"

"Why did you kill this rabbit, Carl?"

"I do not kill rabbits. That is.. that is my leastfavorite thing to do."

Jaeanne sighed, "Tell me, Carl, exactly what you did before I walked in."

"Alright, well... I had just walked in from the fields..."


"I was uh...I was sitting on the ground..."


"Playing with some twigs..."

"Go on..."

"And, uh, well this rabbit hopped in..." 


"So I went up to it..."


"And I...I stabbed it 37 times in the chest."

Jaeanne and Carl stood in silence for a few moments before Jaeanne exclaimed, "Caaaaaaaaaaaarl, that kills rabbits!"

"Oh! Well, I didn't know that!!"

Jaeanne threw her hands in the air, "How could you not know that!?!?"

Carl shook his head, "Yeah, I'm in the wrong here. I SUCK." 

Another moment of silence passes before Jaeanne notices something odd about the rabbit. 

"Carl, what happened to its feet?"

Carl looked at Jaeanne, "What's that?"

"Its legs. Why-why are they missing?"

"Well, I kind of umm...cooked them up. And ate them."

Silence, "Caaaaaaaaaaaarl!!!"

"Well, I-I was hungry. And well, you know, when you crave rabbit feet..."

"Why on Earth would you do that?!"

"I was hungry for rabbit feet! Gimme a break!"


"My stomach was making the rumblies."


"That only rabbit feet would satisfy!"

"What is wrong with you, Carl?!"

"Well, I kill rabbits and eat their feet! That's-that's two things!"

Jaeanne sighed and laughed. She shook her head and laughed at the argument her and Carl just had, "A footless rabbit..."

****A few days later****

It was the middle of the night when Carl bolted up and had an idea. He shook Jaeanne awake, "Hey. Why don't we escape together?" Jaeanne was still groggy when she answered, "Okay, sur- WHAT!?!" She yelled loudly. Carl put his hand over her mouth, "Shhhh!!! Lower your voice. I said, we should escape together."


Carl looked at her like she was crazy, "Why?! Is that even a question. I just have a really bad feeling. Something's telling me that we need to leave. Now."

Jaeanne contemplated what Carl had just said,'Well, Carl's feelings have never been wrong in the past and it's not like he would try to get me into danger. It's worth at least one try right?'  She exhaled slowly and nodded, "Fine. So how are we gonna do it? What's the big plan?" Carl grinned, "We hope not to get caught." Jaeanne did one of her signature sighs, "Of course that's the plan." she mumbled as she followed Carl outside. They crept silently through the plantation until someone yelled out, "YOU TWO! FREEZE 'FORE I SHOOT YOU!" Ignoring the man's warning Carl grabbed Jaeanne's wrist and ran. They could here the shouts of the men and the barking of the dogs. Yet they continued to run with all they had. At least, until the loud sound of a gun being shot rang through the air. One screamed and one fell down bleeding. 

                                                                           To Be Continued...

*groans* I kinda hate this one XD But I guess it wasn't that bad since my teacher gave me an A on it so. I hope that it was somewhat entertaining!


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