What I say vs What I mean

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"I'm gonna do all my homework today mommy!!!"

Actually means:

I'm gonna write my name on the page and then finish it during... never -_-

"Don't worry, I only have a little homework!"

Actually means:

I have piles of homework, but I'm too lazy to do jack 😜

"School was fine."

Actually means:

Today sucked SO bad that I just don't even want to talk about it.

"I'm reading about an extremly hard time in humanity and writing about it!"

Actually means:

I'm reading LevixReaders and then commenting about how much I cried 😊


Actually Means:

Im watching youtube and I dont feel like having to close the door when you leave...

"I-its for SCHOOL!!!!"

Actually Means:

This may or may not be illegal but whateves #YOLO
"Oops! I left it at home... I will give to you tommorow Ms.C!"

Actually Means:

Does it look like I do HW -_-

Tbh Im surprised how good my grades are XD Welp, thats all for right now mah Kawaii~Panda Bears!!! Hope that that was entertaining~

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