Its been 1yr TwT

43 11 20

Well Pandas,

Its been a full year since I have discovered Wattpad. That felt like such a long time ago. I remember exactly how it happend to.

So I was on Kik and exploring all the featured apps and whatever, when I happened to stumble upon a story called 'The Fat Suit Project' (or something like that) Anyways. I came to realize that this book was part of an app that was PRACTICALLY ASKING ME TO JOIN.

So I made an account. At first, I was scared to comment or make stories because of how others (my mom) would respond. I learned a lot from that account, so I wanted to try again. But this time, I wouldn't be afraid. I would write stories and comment and follow as I pleased.

And so my plans began. I spent weeks coming up with ideas, scribbling down notes, and coming up with a new nickname. Then, I finally was ready. I tapped the sign up button and renamed myself, Rain_Beau.

Honestly, I still can't believe its been 1yr. Its so funny howuch of a noob I was when I started XD A lot has happened since then^^

So, if you wanna see my first account: ThePurpleOne23 it suxs, trust me -_-

Whale. Thats all for now my Kawaii~Panda Bears,


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