Just shome shtuff~

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So, you know when you start wattpad and it ask u to do an 'ALL ABOUT ME' thing abd when u make it, u relize it suxs. Welp, today I decided to finally do something about it!!!!!!!! These are all the things that SHOULD have been on my page...

Fave quote: "The saddest people smile the brightest, the lonliest people are the kindest, and the most damaged people are the wiset. Thats because we dont want others to go through the same pain that we did."

My thoughts on this: Wow....just, wow.... I love this quote so much b/c of how true it is!!!! Anyways, comment ur favorite quote^^


*sigh* Valley Girls *eyeroll*

I am W.E.I.R.D.

Wonderful,Exciting,Interesting,Real, and Different!!!


You know what I hate? When people are like, "Oh Wattpad's just an app... LAWL" Because its not. The people we meet here aren't just our followers they're our best friends(y'know, unless they're stalkers). Lives have been changed and saved here. Yes, there have been some evil witches and warlocks out there, but there are also the heros and knights^^ I know from expierence that this place can be an escape from a harsh reality called... life. Think about it, have you ever been in a really bad mood gone on wattpad and tell ur readers/followers about it? If so, than you know how it feels when someone who you dont even know tells you that everything's gonna be okay, to keep ur chin up and put the knife down, that you still have people who care about whether or not you've been active or not. So no, Wattpad isn't just an app, its a COMMUNITY, SAFE ZONE, AND AN ESCAPE for those who need it.


The bully is the knife. Every time they say something mean,rude,or insulting... its a wound. Is they do this everyday in the same spot, the wound gets deeper and deeper. And even if they apologize and the wound heals. The scar will FOREVER be there...

[If you or someone you know is being bullied or harrased, tell someone, anyone, and try to get help IMMEDIATLY plz...]

Apples and Arrows:

The hurtful things and words they do to you are the arrow. You are the apple. You can choose to be hit and affected by those arrows, or you could move out of its path and not be affected entirely. The choice is yours to make...

(I came up with 'Apples and Arrows' in 3rd grade^^)

Random Thoughts Of a Purple-Otaku-DuckeaselWhere stories live. Discover now