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My mom always told me that love could either be the best feeling in the world, the worst, or both. I think you can tell which lucky ones only experience the happy feeling love brings just by observing the people that pass by us each and every day.

We'd be lying if we said we didn't envy that couple holding hands across the street, staring deeply in one another's eyes. And if we said we didn't wish that was us, and the one person we've spent days and nights longing for.

But what we don't know is the story as to how these two people were brought together. Did they meet and just automatically click, or did they have to go through heartaches and misunderstandings and give up everything just to be with the person that makes it all better?

We'll never know how much that happy couple that look like they haven't seen a day without sunshine had to go through in order to get to where they are now.

Unless you ask of course. But don't do that, that'd be just weird.

"You're weird, Autumn."

I push the voice that his been haunting me out of my head, and try to resume to the conclusions I was about to make.

Where were we? Oh right- But whether the feeling is the good one or the bad one, at the end of the day, love really is everything.

But not when you are 16 years old and you have an entire life ahead of you.

Never fall in love before the age of 18, because I guarantee you that it won't end well.

The bell rings for 3rd period but I'm still inside of my head as I push my chair back. Just as I step out into the hall I accidentally hit into someone and fall flat onto the floor.

I look up and expect someone to be standing above me with their hand out and an apologetic look on their face.


That's when I hear the smacking noises and I notice the couple a foot away from me making out against a locker. Actually, tonguing is the better term.  The girl, who appears to be Bella from my chemistry class, has her hands pressed up against this seniors chest, and I can visibly see his hands groping her ass as if there was were no tomorrow.

I gag, loud enough for them both to hear, and get up from off the filthy floor.

"We're at school, not a freaking Brothel." I mumble very loudly before rushing off to see their reactions.

You see that kids?

That is not love.

I get a text from Sally telling me to meet her in the library. I tell her I'm on my way and quickly shut my phone off and stuff it at the bottom of my back.

Sometimes, I loathe that thing.

I see a couple friendly people as I walk through the halls but I barely glance at them.

Why? Well, simple really.

I'm avoiding everyone. Since the party, my mood and emotions have been rocketing back and forth to the point where I'd take my anger out on the first thing that breathes my way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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