Meeting Trouble.

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I blushed a deep red and almost fainted. 'Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe he's in this classroom. I wish I wasn't here. I wish I could disappear. Why did fate have him in the same class as me?! Oh the world just loves testing me.'

I put a book over my face so he wouldn't see me. Thank goodness he was dealing with Kakashi to know that there is a new student.

"Naruto, you know I don't like late comers at all. Even if you were with Jiraiya that still doesn't give you privilege to just barge in here and interrupt my lesson." said Kakashi in a stern voice.

  I don't know what's with this Naruto guy, but he seemed to have this twinkle in his eyes when Kakashi said that. "Ahh…" said Naruto with a smirk. "But technically you were about to start your lesson so…I didn't really interrupt anything. As for barging in, I was in a hurry to get my favorite teacher's class because I was getting tutoring with Jiraiya and he said he was very sorry for keeping me there in the pass. So I shouldn't get in trouble for anything."

I don't like admitting things but this Naruto guy sure thought this whole issue through because he was right. 'Hmm…he doesn't look like it but he was kinda clever for that one.'

  It seems like some of the other girls thought the same. They all got up hooting and hollering for him. "Yea Naruto!" One girl said. "That's right baby!" said another. "Your so clever Naruto-kun and very hott!" said another.

  'Hmm I guess Naruto is very popular here. He has a lot of fans.'

I looked at his face and he had this very annoyed expression. I giggled at that.

'From his expression I guess he doesn't like the attention'

"OK Naruto you win but next time it's detention. Now will you please sit down." said Kakashi sounding a bit fed up with the fan girls.

  Naruto, still having that annoyed expression on his face, went and walked towards his seat. That's when I noticed that there was a desk right next to mine. 'Oh gosh please NO! That can't be his.…' My statement was answered when  he sat down in the desk next to mine.

      'Oh geez.'  I pretended not to notice him there. That was pretty easy because he didn't notice me. I was pretty thankful for that. I'm glad he didn't notice me cause maybe he'll remember me. I don't want to spend my first day of school as the stalker.

  I tried to pay attention to what Kakashi-sensei was teaching us. I was pretty good at math so it was pretty easy for me to understand what he was teaching. I was barely listening to him when I heard Ino whisper-scream from across my desk.

  "Naruto stop looking at Hinata! Your freaking her out!" she whispered.

   I had no clue what she was talking about when I turned and faced Naruto. She was right. He was staring at me. I did the only thing I could think of blush and try not to notice.

   'Why is he staring at me? How long was he doing that?'

   "Hey, sorry but I was trying to figure out who you are. Your my new neighbor that moved in next door right?" he said.

   "Y..yes." I said slightly studdering.

  "Oh well nice to meet you. I know we didn't get a proper meeting. So…hi I'm Naruto Uzumaki." he said giving me a warm smile and his hand for me to shake.

  I didn't know what to do at first because I was afraid he might do something to ruin my life at school. Like, oh I don't know,call me a stalker or something.

   I looked at him and stared at him for a long time. He seemed like a harmless guy with that goofy smile of his. I took my chances and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Hinata Hyuuga."

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