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I was calmed down by the sound of the raindrops slowly landing next to me.
Somehow , the sound of the rain always managed to calm me down.
My nerves could only find that one solution to distract me of my panick attacks and major anxiety.

Why did I feel like this?
What have I ever done wrong?
Did I do something bad in the past?

I would keep questioning myself as long as the pain had stayed in my body and had taken over my mind.

I stood up, realizing I hadn't been eating for days due to all of my mental and shitty problems.
I dressed up in an oversized adidas hoodie with some black sweatpants I found on the ground, I really did not care.

I was ready to finally leave the house.

As usual, I put the hood of my hoodie over to the utmost extent of my face.
I was not ready to get the unwanted attention.
I desperately wanted to blend in.
I made my way to the door with some cash in my pocket, knowing that I just had to get some essentials and food.

As I turned my key in the keyhole, my unpleasant thoughts all came back again.

I managed to open the door while having a massive headache and a panick attack. As I stepped in the welcoming and hard rain, I took the time to inhale and exhale the cold but pleasant wind.

I always loved the wet feeling of rain on me. I never knew why, but I just did.

I rushed as quick as I could to my car, since it was 11pm already.

Nights are my favorite.
They would always be silent and beautiful.
I would stare at the stars in the sky and I would rush to my favorite night store nearby.

I pulled as quick as I could the handle of my car, since my body couldn't take the coldness anymore.

I sat in my car seat, fixing my hair while looking in the mirror.
I was such mess.

Those dark circles under my eyes couldn't ever be covered, even with layers of make-up.
I could even see the dark purple veins making their ways under my eyes.

As I took a deep breath , I started the engine while making a mini prayer.

I just need some hot cheetos .


As I stepped out of the rain, in the night store, I quickly looked around to see if there was any type of presence in the store.
To my surprise, the store was empty and quiet.
It was just me and the cashier who was deep in his thoughts while reading a book.

I took the silk hood , that was placed over my face, off me. I walked as silent as I could through the warm and small store, but the loud noises that my shoes made, because of the heavy rain of course, told on me.

With loud steps, I grabbed a cute pink basket and  made my way to the chips aisle.
With lust in my eyes, I looked through all the different sorts of chips till I found my beloved hot cheetos.

I snatched some bags out of the rack and threw them in my basket.
My mouth began to water at the thought of going back home, relaxing on my bed and eating my hot cheetos.

I started to make my way to the cash desk.
It really felt as if someone, but the cashier and me, was actually here.
I didn't notice that there was actually someone else in the store until I bumped really hard into a not-so-tall figure.

I gasped loudly as I fell on my butt.
My bags of hot cheetos were now all over the ground.

''I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there! Are you okay?"
The manly figure spoke.

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