Chapter 5 -- Crashing Red Raven's party

Start from the beginning

I stop him short, "Then what? Mickey?" It comes out as a whimper.

He takes his hand away from mine. "Prove it."

I disappear right in front of him and watch him panic.

My hand is placed on Mickey's cheek and I watch him start to flip out. In an instant, I see my point has been made. I reappear in front of him.

His face scrunches up in confusion. I know that look too well. He makes that face every time he stumbles across a history question. Or science, or English, for that matter.

"That felt weird." He laughs as he brings me close to him in a tight embrace.

I smile up at him, "So are we cool?" I ask, hoping that I can hold on to this amazing guy.

"It all kinda makes sense now. Thank you for sharing this with me. I know it took some patience." He kisses my forehead and I close my eyes, wanting to remember this moment.

Just then a car I don't recognize pulls up into the driveway. The blue Mazda doesn't register in my head as familiar whatsoever.

Mason runs out of the house to greet the guy. I listen hard to hear their brief conversation before they head in.

"Red Raven busted out of jail. I've got updates for our blog."


I was clearly very tempted to eavesdrop on my brother's conversation, but I didn't follow them inside. I assumed the mystery guy was his friend from school that was helping him write the article about me. Well, article that turned into a blog. My brother is such a dork.

"I'm going to head home, okay?" Mickey says as he stands up from the porch swing. I check the time because I'm pretty sure at one point I fell asleep while we were out here. It's almost six o'clock, which means my parents should be home soon.

I walk with Mickey down the steps to his car when I realize part of my t-shirt sleeve is wet. Mickey smiles mischeviously.

"By the way, you drool in your sleep." He opens the door to his Jeep and laughs while he plants a kiss on my cheek.

I scowl.

"It's okay. It's cute. I never imagined you'd actually drool over me." He teases, to which I remain unhappy. You get one of the hottest guys in school, Della, and you drool on yourself. Classy.

Mickey drives off and I speed up the stairs. My brother's bedroom door is open so it will be easy to walk in completely unnoticed with the help of my invisibility.

"Just write 'Rapid Glare has yet to defeat Red Raven and his super plan.'" Mason's friend barks at him.

Mason types at lightning speed to keep up with the rest of the story verbally told to him. Why can't this guy write down what Mason needs to type?

"Quit breathing down my neck, Thomas." Mason snaps at his friend.

"I'm nowhere near you." Thomas replies.

Mason looks up suspiciously and I back away slowly out the door.

"Della will you turn off the AC?" He shouts.

I scramble to my room to reply, "Sure!" I step into the hall to pass by his room visible this time. Of course there's not actually any need for me to turn off the AC if it was my breathing that caused him to get chills.

My curiosity brings me into his room again, but as Mason's sister, not stealthy Rapid Glare. Thomas looks up at me and I'm stunned.

I thought Mickey was gorgeous.

Thomas stares at me too. I'm not sure if it's disdain for interrupting their session or... No, it's definitely disdain.

"I'm Thomas," He takes a hand out of his jean pocket to shake my hand. His smile practically lit up the room along with his hazel eyes. The hand shake itself came as a shock. He was friendly?

"I'm working on a project with Mason." He states as I remain speechless.

"She was snooping, Thomas. Don't let her distract us." Mason speaks up from his desk chair. Mason and I may look pretty similar, but our personalities were far from identical.

"Hey! I want to hear about Rapid Glare just as much as the next person."

"Right now we're discussing Red Raven's breakout." Thomas interjects.

I raise my eyebrows, "How'd he do that?"

Mason shrugs, huffing aloud. "Probably another form of mind manipulation." Thomas snaps his fingers for him to write it down. We see who does the hard work in the group.

"I heard he was planning on robbing people of their insurance money from the fire." Thomas reads from his phone.

My eyes grow wide. Robbery is the word that triggers my powers into action. I calmly walk out of the room to my own next door. I slip on my mask and call Ash. Ash has yet to make our costumes, but that doesn't stop me from crashing Red Raven's party once again.

Hey guys! The video above is from The Flash and I really like the song they tied into it, I just wanna run. No, I'm not obsessed with the show. Psshhh. Whaaa... Anyways I needed to let you know I don't own the video, that's all.

The picture above is Lily Collins as Della.

Thanks for reading!
Always, Sunny

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