A song to the death

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"Hey flora!" Winter says.
"What?" I asked annoyed.
"Can you sing?" Winter asked handing me a bloody guitar.
"I can try." I said holding the guitar as I get ready to sing.
"You see my scars
You seen my past
But I don't care
That my life is filled with
Death and blood

My life is filled with
Death and blood
The deaths
I made them
The blood
I killed them

Call me insane
But I am sane

My past
My present
My future
Is filled with
Death and blood
Death and blood

There is no need to run
There is no need to hide
I can hide the
Death and blood
On the other side
There is no need
For the
Death and blood
Are harmless
Are harmless

Death and blood
Are harmless
Death and blood
Is a part of me
Death and blood
Is who I am
Death and blood
Is in my past
Death and blood
Is in my present
Death and blood
Is in my future

Death and blood
Is in your future
If you don't treat
Fate kindly
Death and blood
Makes me a demon
A demon
Don't harm my friends
For there
Is just like mine

For they are demons too
Our life is filled with
Death and blood
Death and blood
Our life is filled with
Death and blood
Death and blood

Think I'm crazy
Think I'm insane
But my life will forever be
Filled with
Filled with
Death and blood
Death and blood

I'm not insane
I'm not crazy
My life
Is just
Filled with
A lot of
Death and blood" I sang
"That was amazing!" Winter said.
"Thanks." I said as I heard someone kill themselves.
I loved that the guitar was bloody.
It was so me.

Flora the Leafeon:Flora's dark sideWhere stories live. Discover now