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I was a tree as an umbreon with red rings pasted by.
I jumped at him, claws out.
I clawed one of his eyes out.
"Hehehe..." He chuckle.
"I'm solar..." He said.
"Why are you telling me this?" I asked.
"I can tell your taken over by demons." Solar said.
"Ok so?" I asked.
"I want to help you get uncontrolled." Solar said.
"I LOVE BEING EVIL!" I snapped and I clawed his back.
He started to change into a black umbreon with no rings.
"You want a battle little evil princess?" The umbreon asked.
"WHO ARE YOU!" I asked ready to claw his back out.
"Dark..." He said as I clawed his back out.
"Fight me." I said using leaf cloak.
Dark seemed to get hurt by it.
Dark jumped at me but I flew up and used leaf bomb.
He fell and changed to solar.
Time to get the kill.
I raced towards him claws out ready to kill him but he jumped out of the way.
"I'm not gonna fight you." Solar says.
"To bad 'cause your gonna die if you don't." I said.
"I doubt that." Solar said.
"Oh because I'm a female Leafeon?" I asked.
"Yea! DUH! He said.
"You shouldn't have said that!" I said.
I clawed him on his back.
I gave his right eye a scar.
"Stop and please tell me your name..." Solar said weakly.
"Flora but why does it matter to a Leafeon hater?" I asked.
"IM NOT A LEAFEON HATER!" Solar yelled.
I rolled my eyes then we started to battle.
I was battling dark because he switched forms.
He became solar when I used leaf bomb.
I flew off as soon as he faints.
That foolish loser.
That dumb foolish loser.
Another disappointment to Pokemon kind.

Flora the Leafeon:Flora's dark sideWhere stories live. Discover now