A daring flareon

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The demons took over me, my mind, and looks.
I walk up to blaze.
"Hello." I said.
"You look different." He commented.
"They scar was from an ice shard." I said but I was lying but I'm a good one.
"Oh." Blaze said
"Can I show you something?" I asked.
Blaze was jumping from tree to tree until we reached a cave.
"Follow me." I said.
"Ok flora." Blaze said following me.
I walked into the cave.
There was a pit in the cave, it was large and deep with berries growing in it.
Blaze looked at the pit as I walked up to it.
Blaze walked to the edge.
"You could do some pretty cool stuff with a pit." Blaze said.
"Yes you can." I wrapped my wing around his head which made him flinch.
"Like trap Pokemon in it." I said nocking him in.
"WHY FLORA!?!?" He screamed.
"Evil flora!" I said.
"Your a fool can't you see my red eyes? That I don't have a lunar symbol? That I have razor sharp teeth?" I asked him.
"Now I can." He said fearful of the demons.
I turned into leaves and I lifted a rock over the pit blaze was in then I dropped it covering the pit.
I flew home in Leafeon form.
Early early morning
I laid in my bed as the demons left me.
What have I done?!?!
I trapped blaze in a pit!
I'm a monster!
Why me?! Why?!
I'm good not evil!
Thoughts filled my mind as I fell asleep.

Flora the Leafeon:Flora's dark sideWhere stories live. Discover now