First Time

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    Their kiss intensified as instinct takes over. Dean presses his lips harder against the angel, as Castiel runs his hands along Dean's back, sending a shiver down his spine.
    They've been waiting for so long for this, unsure of what they were doing, but knowing that they could not  - would not - stop now. All those years of waiting, longing, confusion and pain drifting away as they fell deeper into the abyss of their love for each other.
  "Cas... My Angel... I love you. I can't stop saying it. I never thought it would happen because I was so damn stubborn. But I need this... Need you..." He reaches up and curls his fingers into his scruffy black hair, kissing him softly.
"Dean..." Castiel's voice is deeper and dripping with a passion the hunter had never heard before but prayed to everything that he'll keep hearing in the moments to come.
"I love you so much, I... do not understand how I could not say it before. I was so afraid of losing what we have.... Afraid of losing you."
"You never have to worry about that again," Dean said, resting his hand on Castiel's face, "I'm never leaving now." And with that, he pulled the angel closer, and kissed him deeply. Savoring the taste of his lips, so pink from his previous work.
"Love you..."
"Need you..."
"Want you..."
"Want this..."
    Dean guides Castiel to the bed, never letting go of each other. Cas shrugs off his trenchcoat as Dean loosens his tie. He fumbles with the buttons on Cas's shirt as the angel pulled the hunter's t-shirt off.
"So amazing..." Cas says, as he looks lovingly at the shirtless man in front of him, taking mental inventory of every inch of him.
"So beautiful..."
"Need this..."
    Cas brushes his lips along Dean's neck, holding him tightly, never wanting to let go. Dean's breath hitched at the feeling of the mouth nuzzling against his skin, Cas blushing at the knowledge that he's giving him so much pleasure.
   Dean and Cas felt the need for more growing inside them, aching to come out. And this stopped them briefly, since neither of them had ever been in this situation before. They looked at each other then, their faces flushed with excitement and hunger, unsure of what to do next.
"Have you ever....."
"What? No! Have you?"
"April was my only sexual encounter, and I have watched several movies about it, but no."
"You've watched gay porn??"
"I have watched many forms of pornography. The pizza man and the babysitter made me wonder if that was all there was to intercourse, to human mating. Some of the movies I watched were quite disturbing, especially the ones Metatron had me watch during his popular culture lessons."
   Dean had to laugh at the thought of Castiel watching hours of porn as though it was a course in human studies, which in a way, it kind of was.
  "Well, which is your favorite?"
Cas looked at Dean and smiled.
  "Whichever will give you the most pleasure I can offer."
Those words alone made Dean breathless.
   "We can figure it out together." Dean said, his smile showing every bit of lustfulness he could muster.
    Castiel pushed Dean down on his back and ran his tongue along Dean's bottom lip, wordlessly begging to taste him. Dean parted his lips, allowing the angel to slide his tongue along his own. Castiel relished in every flavor of him, breathing in his scent, looking deeply into the hunter's beautiful green eyes.
   "Are you scared?"
   "A little. Are you?"
   "A little."
   "Are you sure about this?"
   "More than anything."
   "I love you."
   "I love you too, my Angel."

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