Tearing Down The Walls

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   Dean was the first to break the silence, his tears threatening to escape again.
"You know what? It doesn't matter how you know. You always know, and that's what makes you wonderful..."
Did I say that? Screw it, no stopping now.
"My mom just walks away, not giving a crap how Sammy and I feel, to Hell will family I guess, and I have to be strong and protect my little brother, but how am I supposed to do that when my heart is breaking, huh? I can't do it this time! I can't be the one to make it easier this time! Dammit, Cas! I'm too pissed off!"
   The tears fall freely from his eyes once again as he ranted. Castiel watched the hunter - his hunter - fall apart before him. He hated seeing Dean like this. So hurt and alone.
"To be honest," Dean continued, not trusting his own voice, "the last time I felt like this, was when I saw your empty trenchcoat floating towards me."
Cas remembered that. The Leviathan ripping him apart from the inside out, losing his memory, saving Sam from insanity, all of it. His eyes welled up, remembering that awful time before the Darkness. There were times that he thought he would never be whole again. Never see the Winchesters again. Never see Dean again.
   "Now when I thought things might possibly go right for us for once, when I thought we might come out on top, even for a moment, mom decides she 'needs some time', and takes off! But you... You Cas, you're always here. No matter what happens, no matter what's going on, or how badly I screw up, no matter how much I really don't deserve it, you always come to save me."
Dean finally noticed that Cas was crying also. He walks over to the angel.
"Why are you crying?"
The angel says nothing as he wraps his arms around Dean.
Surprised, but not about to stop whatever is happening, he wraps his arms around Cas, and they just stand there crying in each other's arms.

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