Theme Song

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Lay beside me... Tell me what they've done....

    Dean's radio starts playing. The song filling the silence.

Speak the words I wanna hear..... To make my demons run.....

"I love you."
Did he just...
"Please... Say it again."
"I. Love. You."
   They stood there staring at each other, still holding each other. The words hanging in the air.

Could you be there? 'Cause I'm the one who waits for you.... Or are you unforgiven too?

   After all this time, after all they've been through, the one thing they've been truly afraid of, is happening.
"I'm a dumbass. I've been running from my feelings for too frikkin' long. Running from the truth. I  love you so much, Cas. I was too scared to lose you or ruin our friendship. I've failed you so many times, I never wanted this to be one of the things I screwed up."

He lay beside me.... But he'll be there when I'm gone....

   Castiel's eyes started tearing up again.
"You have never failed me. It is I who have failed you. I love you more than words can say, Dean. Everything I have done, I would do again, just to be standing here with you right now."
   Dean leaned into the angel and gently brushed his lips against his, causing them both to blush. Castiel brings his lips closer, closing the gap between them, and it felt as if they had done it hundreds of times before, like two broken pieces reunited. Their arms tightening, as if they were afraid the other would fade away and this beautiful dream would end.

Yes he'll be there when I'm gone...

   It happened. Their gentle and loving first kiss of many. They melt into each other's arms, and everything else disappears.

Dead sure he'll be there......

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