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I've been waiting for a month to know the cities for the world tour. I swear I'l cry if they don't go to France or Spain. It's 2am still waiting in front of my computer,on twitter. While waiting I just watch " Jungkook sexy moments" on youtube, ugh he turns me on so much... ANYWAYS, I can't make too much noise, my appa, umma and oppa are sleping ( I call them oppa, umma and appa and they always get pissed it's kind of funny.)

Its 2:05am, i'm refreshing the twitter page all the time, i've done it 30 times in 5 mins... i'm so weird.... WAIT, AAAAA THE TWEET, IT'S THERE ON MY SCREEN. I quickly like it and I see a picture of the world tour dates. I scream on my pillow because i'm so happy (just bceause they posted lol) then i click on the picture...


The're going to Paris. I start screaming like crazy and my umma wakes up and comes running towards my room . "ARE YOU OKAY?!" umma says seeing me with tears in my eyes. 

I just stand there and I  show her the tweet, she starts to cry (my mom is an ARMY too), and then she goes back to her bed and I just look at the tweet for 5mins, I couldn't believe what just happened... 

"the concert is in 2 months.." I whisper with tears in my eyes. I need to call Lua.

I take my phone and I dial her number as fast as I can, even tho she's probably not gonna answer she's sleeping since she actually cares about school. I was suprised she actually picked up half asleep. " Are you sleeping?" I asked kinda guilty. "If I were I wouldn't have answered you. What the hell do you want?." She said kinda angrily. I then told her what I just knew. Of course, she screamed and cried, then we talked for hours until I had to get dressed to go to school, ugh fucking sucks.  But I couldn't believe that I was finally gonna meet BTS. 


My school is a French school because i'm french and I didn't know how to speak spanish before. I hate school, i'm not even in Lua's class, i'm with other friends but the're not the same, they just talk about makeup and all, i'm more like, a fangirl and my life is on internet not at school. I draw and then go back home, that's the only thing I do at school. The only reason why my grades are good it's because I want to make my parents happy. I might hate school but i'm bad at listening to the teachers, I just don't do homework and all that shit. The teachers like me because i'm the quiet one. 

Arriving at school, ugh popular girls are looking at me like i'm a piece of trash. Who cares? I'll just stick my tongue out with a middle finger. Oops.  I look for my friends Agathe and Dila (makeup lovers). Both are french and the're cute but I don't know how to talked to them because, what do I talked about seriously? Ugh introvert problems... 

Like always, I draw and draw while i'm thinking about the concert, ugh makes me so happy. Can't wait for lunch time, I can finally talked to Lua.

"LUAAA" I scream as I see her. I give her a big hug and she hugs me back, we start tearing up  of hapiness.  "So who's buying the tickets next week?" she asked. " My umma, she wants a actual seat she doesn't care about being in front, she'll buy the ticketsfor us in the crowd and the meet and greet" I said smiling. "Fuck it's gonna be so expensive..." Lua said kinda sadly. "I don't care, as long as I get to see them in front well, i'll be so happy" I said trying to cheer her up. Kinda worked as she started to laugh, then we ate in the cafeteria.


Just finished school, today was kind of fun, it's the only day I get to see Lua she's always studying or with her other friends from her class.  I close the main door and go up to the first floor into my bedroom. 

I start going on instagram, looking at BTS fan accounts mostly Jungkook.  I had so much merchandise from him. Stickers, posters, sweaters even a pillow. He was my bias what do you espect? Even my phone wallpaper was Jungkookie, aww he's so cute. And sometimes when he wants he can be the sexiest, hottest thing in the world. 

It's 3am already, I should get some sleep. So i turned off my phone and closed my eyes thinking of Jungkook.

 Hope you like it! It's my first fanfic, it's kinda boring but the next chapters will be much better you'll see! Sorry for the typing and english mistakes...

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