Chapter 14 - "Options."

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Ever since that dreadful night when young Harry decided to do something right for once but ruined it anyway because he's sort of been very good at it, the days have suddenly chose to crawl like a snail on a stormy winter morning.

It's pretty antagonizing really, having all of these things build up on your shoulders like a ton of bricks and have more of anything pile up twice the load. Ignore it, is what a lot of people like to say, seeming as it's the most easiest way to solve, run away, from a problem. But honestly just repeating the two words in his mind, is what causes Harry to cackle like a mad man, then shed tears like a crazy women on her menopause days.

At first, Harry thought it was easy as Nick had explained when he came rushing up the stairs the minuter Louis stormed out of his house, that he'd ignore all of Louis' calls, rip all of the papers of his notebooks with Louis' name scribbled all over, erase his number, which Harry lied and told him he did, but it was really that easy. The same old conversation with Nick bored Harry to the point he had to scramble out of his room into the washroom to empty the sickness out of his stomach.

The few days at school isn't all that much of a fuss. Louis skips most classes, having substitutes for each class making it almost easier for him. It's quite madening, barely seeing Louis' face anymore, but it's probably for the best Harry thinks, as his mother, Nick and everyone who allegedly thought of him would say.

Harry's friendship with Erin is sort of nice, was nicer, you could say. The bubbly, curious Erin has sort of just faded, or maybe it's just Harry, who knows. But, there's definetly something strange with Erin, and if Harry wasn't so tired and fed up with his little life right now, he'd surely see what's up.

Afterschool, Harry thinks, as he's throwing his bag across his shoulder and making his way towards Erin's car with her, his eyes cross with a pair of blue ones, or maybe he's day dreaming but there is definetly Erin with him who shuffelles on her feet, and mutteres if it really just happened. Harry shrugs, and shakes his head, not up for anything that has to do with bright blue eyes, and soft chestnut hair.

Around past noon, Erin comes over, revising with Harry in his silent room, only the sound of pencil scratching againt paper. Nobody bothers to say anything.

The next day is Friday and half as abominable as the previous. It's probably a good thing. Harry can't really seem to make of it. Louis doesn't come at all. Class is empty, making the whole feel school empty as well. Harry hands in his last assignemnets, as winter break is only a week away, his mind helplessly wondering how, or if Louis will even hand in anything. He wonders if Louis will even pass this course.

When Erin meets Harry at the lockers afterschool, Harry breaks it to her and kindly excuses himself, dragging his legs out of the exit doors and to the back of the school. He doesn't feel like accepting the car ride with Erin. He feels like a shit person for it. Though a car ride with Erin have lately been consisting him giving the silent treatment to Harry, unintentionally atleast, and Erin accepting it like the kind person she's always been. Though Erin wasn't always this uninquisitive. Harry could admit she was more, absorbed. It was irritating, but she only was acting this way because Harry knew she cared. But now, would it be acceptable to think, maybe, she's become less interested?

Well, at least Harry knew it was coming.

Harry arrives later than usual, as he took the long way home; there are always familiar faces on the short cut. His mum knocks on his door as Harry just starts peeling off his school uniform pieces. Apparently Erin called, wondering if Harry came home safe. Hilarious. Harry wants to punch a wall. Has he really shrunk that shallow, that Erin has to call to make sure he's safe?

But it gets worse. His door knocks, Erin's there with an umbrella dripping on the door mat. She rests it by the door and beams at Anne then at Harry as he takes his steps down stairs.

"Hey." Erin shrugs, smiling.

Harry chews on his bottom lip, shrugging back. "Hi."

Anne sighs happily, Harry nearly forgets how much of a good actor his mum is sometimes. "You guys talk, I'll be in the kitchen."

Harry doesn't say anything, standing tired and sleepy in his grey joggers and a thin white shirt, foot bare. He watches his mum leave, then turns to Erin when he sees her enter the kitchen doors across the room.

"Y'wanna come in? I'll make tea." Harry attempts a small smile.

Erin shakes her head quickly, her movement making water drip off of her jacket. "As much as I love your teas, I can't. I gotta hurry, actually."

Harry's brows narrow down as he listens.

"I don't really...know how to say it, I know you've been feeling-Can we just sit down? It's better..." Erin decides and Harry nods, confused and not terrified of what Erin is trying to say.

He waits for her to zip her boots and coat down before walking ahead of her towards the living room. The two sit next to eachother on the couch, the tv playing an old cartoon show, volume muted in the background.

Erin addresses Harry won't be doing much talking until the end, she licks her lips, and gives it a go already.

"I don't really know if you're over him," She doesn't really have to give a name for Harry to know who she's mentioning of, "probably not, probably will never, I dunno, okay." Harry listens carefully. "Maybe I shouldn't be doing this, but I swear it's only because I want you to be happy." Oh, maybe Erin's love for Harry hasn't decreased. Maybe this will be the answer to all those days she kept quiet and not pushed Harry out of his reverie. Harry listens. "Since I want you to be happy and since you aren't really in your best moods. I know someone who's...sort of willing-oh God-dying to put you together and bring back the old happy you." Harry's shoulders sink down, his face softening as the numbness in his body vanishes.

It all makes sense.

Erin notices his reaction and speaks quickly, "no, please don't give me that look. I, your mum, Nick, we all just want to see you happy again."

Harry exhales, breaking her eye contact with Erin and sitting back against the couch with his arms folded.

Erin makes a gentle grab for Harry's knee. "I guess, you don't...really have to say yes. But, honestly, Harry you can't continue living in your own misery. You don't deserve it. If you keep thinking about Louis and only Louis, which you're doing right now, you're going to rot in your own loneliness."

Harry looks up, his face unreadeble.

Erin frowns, "just give it a try yeah?"

Harry groans quietly, throwing his head back. "I love him."

Erin sighs sadly, "I know you do, hon. And I'm not here, doing this, to get you to stop you from doing that. I just want you to know there are oppurtuinities out there. Options. And you should make use of it instead of, you know, waiting to grow old with ten cats and a mother and an Erin who's all you got. Please, Harry!"

Harry groans louder.

"God, you are such a child, Styles." She shakes her head, glaring.

A few seconds later, Harry finds himself peeking an eye with a pout on his face, "if I say fine, will you leave me alone?"

Erin squeals, clapping like a little girl on christmas. She leans down, pressing a big, fast sticky kiss on Harry's cheek.

"Ugh," Harry wipes his cheek with his sleeve, sulking at Erin as he does so.

Erin takes her phone out of her jackets pocket, face beaming as she scrolls on her phone. She looks back up, facing an irritated Harry who can't manage to hold back his grin also.

She passes her phone to Harry, "here's his number. Text him and tell him you agree to join him for a movie tonight.


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