Indebted To The Mafia Chapter 2

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Indebted To The Mafia Boss Chapter 2

"This is how its going to go.." I was currently sitting in a room with my lawyer, Doms father Abram, and his lawyer. "You're going to plead guilty. We'll get you a deal and protection, if not well look at these."

The lawyer slid me a folder. I wanted to throw up. There was a man with no head, a burned body, a dismembered body, a body being dumped in the ocean with ankle weights, a lady in a room filled with snakes, a man surrounded by alligators, and a man hanging from the ceiling covered with blood. I slammed the folder closed. Who could do such a thing? And who could stand there and take pictures of the aftermath.

"You see.." Abram smirked. I wanted to slap him so hard. He's been nothing but rude and disrespectful since the moment I met him. He didn't even give me a chance.

"That's what happens to people who go against us. Now you can go to jail or you can give my son up and risk ending up like one of these people." I shook my head no.

"Domovov wouldn't do that to me."

He chuckled. "You really are stupid. My son is the one who did all of that, that's his work, that's why he's next in line. What? Did you think my son loved you?" He burst out laughing. I mean full on tears in his eyes holding his stomach laughing, I didn't see anything funny about this situation.

"My son has no feelings, he only loves his family, it's us against the world. I raised him to be a killing machine. He killed his first person at the age of eight, that boy is going to make me proud." He smiled. What kind of sick freak finds turning their innocent son into a monster, how could you be proud of that.

"I want to see Dom. I want to to talk to him alone."

"I'm sorry Ms. Blackstone that isn't possible."

My lawyer said. They thought that I was stupid. I knew that my lawyer worked for him. When I was being interrogated he walked in saying that he was hired anonymously to represent me. I was expecting a public defender but got him instead. He walked in with his fancy suit and no nonsense attitude but I knew something was up. He's been suggesting the whole time not to testify against Dom and to take the fall for everything. After getting to know him I realized that's he's a nice guy, they probably forced him into doing this.

"Why can't I talk to him? He's been avoiding my calls, the least he can do is talk to me. This is all of his fault!"

"What my son does on his own time is his business. You have 24 hours to decide." He collected his stuff and left.

"I'm sorry Ms. Blackstone, you're a nice girl I don't want you to get hurt. Turn down the witness protection offer and accept the 10 years. I'll be here tomorrow to hear your decision."

I nodded my head and he left. I was escorted back to my cell. I leaned back and sighed this is not fair. I don't deserve this, I did nothing wrong. My only crime was falling in love with a lying decietful jerk. Two hours later we was escorted to dinner. On my way I was jumped by three big women who looked like men, I mean seriously were they men with wigs?

"That's a gift from Desimir. Make the right choice. If you don't you'll go through this until and after your trial. You're cute and I need a new girlfriend." She licked her lips while playing with my hair. I shudderd in disgust and fear.

I limped back to my cell and laid down. I didn't go to sleep that whole night, I was too afraid that they would come back. The next day the guard took me to meet my lawyer. He gasped when I walked in.

"Ms. Blackstone what happened?"

"I got into a fight. Tell Abram I got the point. I'll accept the ten years, only if he call off his goons." He nodded and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2019 ⏰

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