Chapter 1: Secret Revealed! Sorrows and Wishes.

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Author's Point of View

Ever since your parents were gone, your only companion was your teddy bear, Khalil. He was a golden brown colored bear, the inside of his ears were orange, sparkling blue eyes, a smile sewed on his face was cute, and a black coat with white fabric on the hoodie, covering his magenta T-shirt. Overall a cute Teddy Bear.

Your parents said that, he would comfort you while they're gone. But of course, at such young age, they couldn't leave alone with a bear, so they hired your own personal maid. Even if there were many maid's in your mansion, they had their own chores, and therefore couldn't keep an eye on you. And that resulted your own Maid.

Since preschool, you brought Khalil to your school, and everyone thought it was cute. But during your elementary 5th year , they bullied you for bringing Khalil with you, saying that you were too old to have a teddy bear. You didn't know why, you even saw one of them talking to his imaginary friend, yet, you chose not to mention it.

Since the bullying, you would always come late and waited for everyone to go in their own classrooms. When not one student can be seen, you would hurry to the library and would let the librarian take care of Khalil. The librarian was the only one who understood your affection for the bear, and she respected that.

But before you entered highschool, you no longer had the help of the librarian since there were complications. But that didn't stop you from bringing Khalil, just like your daily routine you waited for everyone to go inside their classrooms, and since there was no librarian to take care of Khalil, you decided to keep him in your locker. You would not open your locker unless it was time to go home.

When you go home, you would sit Khalil next to you and do your homework. After that, you would play with him or watch with him. And when you're going to sleep, you would let your personal maid tuck both you and Khalil to sleep. You hugged him as if hugging your fathers chest, he reminded you of the great deal of happiness your parents made with you when they were still here.

Your routine continued like that, you received top 1 on 8th grade and people envied you. You made it to 9th grade without anyone knowing your secret, but not until a certain day.


You went to school late again, hoping that nobody was outside. Assuring that it was safe, you quickly sprinted to your locker, you grabbed Khalil out of your backpack of pushed him in. You checked your watch and saw that your first subject was about to start. You hurried to fix you backpack, and dashed to your classroom, forgetting to lock your locker.


When lunch came, you were supposed to check on Khalil. Arriving at the hallway where your locker was, you saw a crowd of girls infront of the lockers. It seems like they discovered something, a worried expression crossed your face as you pushed your way through the crowd.

Just like you predicted, Mandy and her pals were fangirling about Khalil. You saw him in Mandy's arms, you quickly grabbed Khalil out of her arms and clutched to him.

Mandy had a shocked expression at first but then turned into a smirk. For she discovered, that the unbeatable top 1 of their grade still had a childish possession that she kept a secret. Moreover, it would be enough to bully you.

"Well, well, if it isn't 'Lil Miss Perfect. I hope that Bear wasn't yours, aren't you too old for such things?" She said swaying her hips side to side...

"He's mine!" You shouted, clenching Khalil in a protective way.
They just laughed at you, and you were trying hard not to burst out your tears. You held it back as they continued to bully you. All of them were saying mean things to you, you didn't care. Khalil was the only thing your parents left for you, he would remind them of those happy memories you made with your parents.

Violently Sweet -||- Yandere! Childhood Teddy Bear! X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now