An Early Homecoming

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As Kanas City's bye week continues, i'm still in Los Angles at Staples Center covering a Clippers game. I'm about to report on an injury that Blake Griffin suffered when Scott pulls me to the side and gives me some shocking news about Travis. I run out of Staples Center crying. A group chat starts with Larry and Nicole.

Group Chat:

Hey Vanessa, Larry and I just got the news about Travis and a model.

Are you okay?

I'm not doing so great guys! I'm outside Staples Center trying so hard not to cry but it's not working.

Larry and I are on our way back to LA. Do you need anything?

My <3 is broken so bad right now! All I want to do is eat Sour Patch Kids and forget Travis.

Done! Nicole and I are in a jet so when you get to LAX don't tell anything to the paparazzi! It'll make you look bad.

Thanks, guys!

We care about you so much and it's painful to have your <3 broken. How about the WAGS take you to Boston to confront Travis?

No way! I could lose my job and Travis could get into major trouble with Coach Reid!

Vanessa, I think you should go to Boston this is putting you in a funk and it's bringing down your pep. It'll be hard but think back to when you interviewed Travis for Sports Center Coast to Coast.

It's worth a shot! Larry, are the Buccaneers playing the Patriots?

Week 14 in Gillett Stadium!

I'll be at that game in the broadcasting booth! :D


Yup! I'll be calling the action! I'm super stoked that ESPN is giving me this chance!

We're :D for you!

Thanks! See you soon.

As the group chat ends, I get a text message from Travis.

Text Conversation:

Travis, who is the model?

Kate Upton

You broke my <3 for Kate Upton! I'm sorry Travis, but the feelings I have for you are so strong right now and it's <3 breaking to know that you're with a model instead of a genuine person! I really hope you come to your senses and see some models and football players don't last! I'm done being so strong! Right now i'm outside Staples Center crying over you! I moved to LA thinking my days as a single girl are over but I was wrong! I'm over all the crap that guys put me through! I hope you and Kate are happy.

As my conversation with Travis ends, i'm in his mansion thinking about him and Kate. Am I jealous?

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