Hour Twenty-Five

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I am so exhausted. I can feel my eyes trying to shut every chance they get as we ride the elevator up to Ellis' apartment. I'm in almost that loopy stage where I feel almost dizzy and drunk but I just need sleep.

The thought of sleeping away our last few hours together is not an option though.

"Coffee?" Ellis asks walking into an immaculate kitchen. I nod eagerly as he prepares the coffee.

"If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" he asks a small smile playing on his lips. I almost feel like it's a trick question but I'm not sure why.

"How can I choose?"

"You have to. You have a one way trip to anywhere in the world. You have to choose now and you will never get another chance like this," he says seriously.

"Iceland," I say.

"Iceland?" he repeats with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure. Tons of hiking trails, so many things to see, and this giant trampoline."


"Yes. We could jump on that trampoline for hours and hours then have a snowball fight," I smile at the idea of us traveling. I hate the fact that I keep thinking about this thing with Ellis as longterm when time is ticking away.

"Then we could get drunk off of spiked hot chocolate and sing karaoke until we pass out," Ellis says and I laugh and nod.

"That sounds perfect."

He pours me a cup of coffee and himself one before sitting on the stool next to me. We silently make our coffees the way we like them and I notice that he only puts a small pinch of sugar in his.

I want to know all of his preferences but I don't. I still barely know him.

"So we're going to spend thirty hours together," I say then take a long sip of coffee, "this is good."

"My only talent isn't tour guiding," he smirks.

I roll my eyes, "anyway, that's a long time.

He nods.

"A typical first date last three-four hours," I say and he looks at me now very interested in this conversation, "and then the next date wouldn't happen for a couple of days and would probably last around the same amount of time."

"I'd agree with that," he nods again.

"So thirty hours would put us where?"

"About ten dates or so," Ellis answers.

I think for a while, "I'd say that puts at like three weeks to a month of dating."

"I like this thought process, a lot."

I laugh, "me too."

We are silent for a while, drinking out coffees. What else is there to say? We are running out of time and it's too much for us to talk about. We know that this could have been something amazing and it will never get the chance to be.

And it's like somehow we know that. Somehow we know that it won't get easier no matter what we do or how we decide to say goodbye.

We found something in each other that is rare and special and sometimes things like that don't last.

We find our way into his bedroom and right onto his bed and just like I expected we fit together perfectly like we've been fitting together since we met.

It's comfortable and it's the most I've ever felt.

And it makes me question everything.

How can I say goodbye to him when we've only just said hello?


:O we are so close to the end!!!

I'm going to miss Ellis and Thea, I hope you guys will too!

Do you think Thea is changing her mind about going to Europe with Ellis?

Thanks for reading/voting/commenting it means so much to me <3

Also! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that celebrated yesterday.
AND happy Gilmore Girls day!!!! #teamjess :)

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