Hour Six

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We are slightly tipsy, stumbling along another avenue that looks exactly the same as all of the others. I wonder how he gets from place to place. Or maybe he is just as lost as I am but he is confidently leading us all the wrong ways and pretending he knows what's going on.

A laugh bubbles up along with a burp but I'm too tired and fuzzy to care. Ellis looks at me and asks, "what?"

"I guess the motorcycle wasn't a great idea?" I laugh harder now for no apparent reason.

His blue eyes widen slightly, "shit, I forgot all about it."

Now we are both laughing because it is 3:00 in the morning and we just left his brother's bike at a bar that is closing in an hour.

We kind of don't care too much as we continue laughing and walking down emptying streets.

"We'll just get it later," Ellis mumbles as he wraps an arm around my shoulders and my head automatically falls onto him and it feels nice. It feels good and comfortable walking around in the cool air of the morning with him.

We are quiet as we walk, the only sound is the distant honking of a yellow taxi cab and our in-sync breathing.

We reach a more crowded park where street vendors line the sidewalk hoping for drunk kids and adults to feast while they wait for their train or subway or ride. And right at that moment my stomach growls. Ellis looks over at me with a smirk, "hungry?"

I roll my eyes, "well you ruined my snack at the first bar."

"I want a hotdog. It would not be a trip to The Big Apple without one!" I say loudly and with a lot of emotion.

"Do not call it The Big Apple," he shudders dramatically.

"Why is it even called that?" I ask.

"Because when you are above the city in a helicopter or plane or something looking down it is shaped like a giant apple."

"Wow that is really cool! You know so much stuff," I say walking over to the hotdog vendor, "but if you tell me anything gross about this hotdog I will kill you."

"It's called a dirty water dog! I don't have to tell you anything you don't already know!" He laughs and pulls out his wallet and pays before I even have a chance to think about it.

"Thank you," I say to both the vendor and to Ellis before grabbing my hotdog and taking a big bite.

I chew for a bit and swallow, Ellis watches my every movement, "so?"

"It's okay. Not as great as everyone says they are. Maybe he just changed the water so it was less dirty or something. Maybe the dirt is what really flavors it, just like the poop favors the pretzels and lemons."

"That is nasty, Thea!"

"Are you a germaphobe?"

"No." He says.

I hold out my hotdog, "take a bite,"

"I don't like them."

"Why not?"

"They're gross."

"You don't like hotdogs in general or just these dirty ones?"

"All of them."


"Shut up." He mumbles and walks a little ahead of me.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

30 Hours With You [Completed] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن