Hour Fifteen

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"Thank God, you're okay," Blake yells after running full force towards me. She wraps me in a tight hug that knocks us both to grass of Central Park.

"Ellis, do not ever steal my best friend from me again," Blake scolds sitting up and looking up at Ellis with no smile on her face.

"I have her for another 15 hours, Blake. Sorry," he says sitting down with us. It is a beautiful day. Hot with a slight cooling breeze. The park is crowded with runners and kids with ice cream cones.

"No. She is here visiting me," Blake whines are rests her head on my shoulder.

"Then you have me for another couple days," I say to Blake resting my head on top of hers. She sighs dramatically.

"What am I going to do without you?" She asks.

The three of us are silent watching the people enjoying the sunshine. We are unsure of what to say. I know that I should go home with Blake and forget about Ellis but I can't. I'd regret not spending the rest of my time with him. He is this unexpected adventure that I'm not ready to end yet.

Blake gasps and her eyes widen, "I have an idea!"

"What is it?!" Ellis says with fake enthusiasm as he grabs my hand and holds it on his knee. Blake looks from our joined hands to my eyes before speaking.

"Lets go out to dinner tonight. I'll find some guy and we can go on a double date. Sound good?" Blake asks her blue eyes wide as she looks back and forth between us. Blake has always been like that, a guy on speed dial just waiting for a date with her.

"Sure," I say looking at Ellis knowing that I have to keep Blake somewhat happy.

He smiles at me, "sure."

"So what have you guys been doing other than falling in love all over the city?" Blake asks wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up, Blake." I say and Ellis laughs then launches into the story of our time together this far. Blake is listening with a small smile on her face and she squeezes my hand when he talks about our time in deserted Time Square.

Then Ellis' phone rings and he excuses himself.

"What the hell is going on, Thea?" Blake asks whispering even though Ellis is not close enough to hear us.

"What do you mean?"

"He's leaving. You're leaving. What are you doing?" she asks again.

"We're having fun."

"Thea, you haven't slept. You've been with this guy for like fifteen freaking hours. And you're planning to spend another fifteen freaking hours with him," she takes a deep breath, "so I'm going to ask again. What the hell are you doing?"

I'm silent.

"Thea, I don't want you to get hurt," Blake's eyes are wide and pitying.

"Blake, Don't. I know he's leaving. I'm not falling in love with him. I barely know him."

Blake looks at me like she can see right through me, which she probably can, "you've been through a lot with Alex, I don't want you to lose yourself again when Ellis leaves. I've never seen you like this before."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You were with Alex," she hesitates before she says his name, "for two years and you never seemed this happy or this--I don't know."

"You do know," I say.

She sighs, "you and Ellis look like you've been in love with each other for years. The way he looks at you and you look back at him. I don't know what to make of it, Thea. But I know it isn't going to end well."

Ellis walks back towards us with a smile on his face and holds his hand out towards me, "ready?" I let him pull me up and I lean into his side. We are locked together like we've been for the last 15 hours.

"Bye, Blake," I say.

"Bye, guys. I'll text you where to meet us later. Be careful," she warns.

Maybe it's the lack of sleep creeping in but I don't care about getting hurt. I don't want to leave Ellis until the security at the airport forces me away from him. It might be crazy and stupid but this is already way better than my two years with my asshole of an ex boyfriend.


And we are halfway done!

I skipped some hours because they were at the zoo for longer than an hour ;)

Thanks for reading/voting.


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