Hour Seven

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We end up back in the center of Times Square, only it is completely different.

The city that never sleeps is totally asleep.

The streets are deserted, the shops and restaurants are all dark and silent, only the giant billboards shine down on us as we walk the square that we were in not that long ago.

"Wow," I breath because Time Square emptied out is more beautiful than it full of people with selfie sticks and loud voices.

"I know. It's incredible to think that only an hour or so ago there were at least a hundred people here, if not more. Now it's just us," Ellis says.

"Like we're the last two on Earth," I laugh and look up at the dark skyscrapers and bright signs, empty streets, and flashing streetlights. It feels like a different city than the one I've been in all night.

I sit down right in the center of the square and cross my legs smiling up at Ellis. He sits down in the same position. Our knees touch.

"All of the germs on this concrete don't freak you out?" I ask.

"Nah, I can wash my clothes," Ellis says and places a hand on my knee. He is always touching me and I don't mind it at all. He's comfortable and comforting in his goofy way and I love it. I love everything about this night.

"No questions this time. Just tell me something that no one else knows or that you don't like to talk about," I say.

He sighs heavily and rolls his eyes, "I thought you didn't drink."

"That is definitely not the topic we are talking about. And I don't really drink. I had a beer and a half and I felt wobbly, that was my limit. I'm not against it or anything, I just like to have my head on straight. Didn't you say you don't drink too?"

"Peer pressure," he laughs.

"Talk." I say.

"You're lucky I like you so much," he says and I can actually see it in the way he closes his eyes and truly seems to think before he speaks. He looks at me and then away.

"You have nothing to lose. You'll never see me again after tonight," I slap him lightly on the knee.

"You know that doesn't make me feel even the slightest bit better. I actually feel really terrible now. I want to keep seeing you," his voice is soft.

"Maybe I'll visit you in Europe one day."

"Yes, please."

"Just for a day."

"Well that is our thing," he says.

We are silent because he knows by now that I am not one to give up so easily. I want to know him. I want to know everything about him from his favorite color to his fears and regrets to what exactly makes him mad or sad or so deliriously happy. I want to know him. And that is terrifying.

"I have another brother. He's older, Brenden. He was this amazing guy that I could always look up to, you know? He played football all through high school and some of college, he did well in school, had so many friends. I think since we were so far apart in age we never had any sort of rivalry. I just wanted to be him, basically," Ellis finally looks at me, his blue eyes look glassy underneath the strong lights from the billboards overhead.

I smile just to let him know I'm here and I'm listening and he can continue whenever he's ready. And somehow he seems to understand that message fully.

"It was the day after Christmas five years ago. I can't fucking believe it has been five years already. And Brenden was home from school. He recently switched from pre-med to art therapy major and my parents were sort of pissed but they were getting over it. Brenden used to love talking about his classes over the phone to me. He could go on for hours about how there are new studies on art therapy helping Alzheimer patients and kids with autism. And how he couldn't wait to help too."

Ellis takes another deep breath before continuing his story. He takes my hand and holds it between our crossed legs. The story sounds so nice but I've noticed his continuous shifting from past to present tense.

"So we were all together on the couch watching some old Christmas movie and the doorbell rang. Brenden got right up to answer it and he walked in with some guy. No one thought anything of it because we were used to him bringing random people around. Mom used to say Brenden loved to bring in strays.

"He introduced us to Matthew. My parents are really into status and their money and what they have. And it is stupid and meaningless but it also means so fucking much." Ellis' hand is tense in mine and I know this is where things don't turn out as well as I'd hope.

"Brenden and Matthew had been dating for over a year by then and we had no clue. When Brenden told us we all sat there on the couch in this awful silence, Thea. My parents asked to speak to Brenden alone.

"They told him to change his lifestyle and get over this phase or get out. And so he got out. He left five years ago and I haven't heard or seen him since."

"I'm so sorry. He doesn't want anything to do with you guys at all? Even you and Carter?" I ask.

"Before he left the house he said to keep in touch and not to let them and all of this hold us back. And he meant the status and their lifestyle. But my parents basically banned us from contacting him," he tells me.

"So you're going to Europe for him too? To prove that you didn't let them win?"

Ellis is quiet for a moment before nodding his head, "exactly."

"Does he still live in the city?" I ask.

"I think."

"Then I think we just figured out the next part of our adventure," I say.

"Yeah?" Ellis asks.

"Yeah. If you want," I say realizing that this is probably a situation I shouldn't force myself in to.

Ellis stands up abruptly then pulls me up too. He pulls me in close and whispers in my ear, "you might just be the best thing to ever happen to me."

And then in the middle of a deserted Times Square in this city where I was so scared to come to in the first place, Ellis kisses me. It's sweet and soft and quick. But just enough to send shockwaves through my system.

"That okay?" He asks.


His eyes widen, "if you think that was perfect I have a lot to teach you about kissing, Thea. And believe me I think I can handle that task."

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