K: Not so cute when you’re trying to play footie and your team mate keeps going, “Oh, Ari is so pretty. I miss her so much” and it wouldn’t stop there.

            The cash register person called Max’s name, so he stood up and got the food.


A: GTG Max got the food!

K: U huh, sure. We all know that’s girl code for, “I want to make out with my BF

A: No really, he got the food

N: Ok, sure, bye girl



            I put my phone away and snuggled my head more into Nathan’s neck and I felt him nuzzle his face in my hair while we talked. He intertwined our hands together and played with our hands. I sighed and suddenly I heard a phone click; the sound of a camera. When I looked up I saw Siva taking a picture, “SIVA”. He shrugged, “What? Nareesha wanted me to take a picture of you two”, which made me roll my eyes, “Of course she did”. Nathan laughed at that because he saw some of our conversation.

            My phone was ringing like crazy which meant they were texting in the group chat. I groaned and took out my phone.

N: OMG LOOK WHAT SIVA JUST SENT ME! They are so adorable together! (She sent the pic Siva sent)

K: AWWWWWWWWWWWW! They are adorable


N: Well duh, he has the cutest girl in the world

K: Tom and I should be more like that

            I felt Nathan laugh at my constantly ringing phone, “Thanks a lot Siva; my phone is going to explode thanks to that pic”. He and Nathan laughed really hard so I just turned off my phone and slipped it into my pocket. Max came with three bags of food, “We should just eat over at the studio. People are starting to recognize us”. He was right, there were people looking at us and squinting. I didn’t look the same because I had different makeup and I just looked different I guess. I slipped on my hat to cover my face and I felt myself being picked up and slung over a shoulder. I groaned. I opened my eyes and saw Nathan’s back. Of course people would look at us. We were quite a comical site; five grown men with one girl who is slung over their shoulder. I could be getting kidnapped for all they knew.

            We finally made it out and I quickly jumped out of Nathan’s hold and ran to the car. I jumped in and took shotgun which left Jay, Nathan, Max and Siva to figure it out. I heard them run after me and when they saw me they groaned which made me laugh really hard. I don’t know how but it ended up being Tom in the driver’s seat and Jay on Nathan’s lap.

            They both had disgusted expressions on their faces and Nathan was trying to get as far away from him as possible which just made me laugh and they both shot playful glares at me. I saw Jay smirk for a second. Uh oh, this means he’s going to do something. He scooted himself over Nathan’s lap and put his arms around Nathan’s neck, “You jealous yet Ari”? I decided to have a little fun with this, “No not just yet”, I answered laughing. He winked at me and scooted around in Nathan’s lap causing Nathan to look more disgusted. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.

            “How about now”, Jay asked. Nathan was trying to wiggle out from under Jay, but was failing terribly, “Not quite”, I said putting a finger to my chin. Jay grinned ad moved his body so he was chest to chest with Nathan, “Now”? I saw Nathan’s face of disgust and he looked at me with desperate and pleading eyes. I decided to pity him, “Maybe a little”. Jay laughed and moved to Max’s lap, but kept his distance. Max just rolled his eyes. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you”, Nathan kept blabbering. Tom was laughing hysterically and started the car.

Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now