Another Author Note.

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Hello again. 

Yes, this is another author note. I am sorry, but it will unfortunately be long again. On subjects like these, I find I can never keep my words short and simple, as that will never convey everything I am trying to get across to you all. And subjects like these deserve more than just a few short sentences truthfully. 

I am very grateful for all the comments on the previous author note. My current tone may not show my amount of happiness, but I assure everyone one of you, I am jumping on the inside. In fact, evidence is in the fact that I am now writing this author note in excitement. I was so proud of how open minded and willing to listen to new aspects you all was, that I could not wait any longer to communicate again with all of you.  

All the suggestions of what to call you all were very sweet, and I appreciate all of them. I am most leaning towards "inspired", and "pathfinders". I can't seem to choose between the two personally. What do you all think? What do you like? What about pathfinders? Yes, I like it. 

To answer one particular question, no - I am not a social worker. 

Some of you may know this already, but to those who don't, I did not finish high school and don't currently attend university. I used to be stifled by that fact, and was always driven to question my own worth because of how people saw me. I don't excel academically, and through the years school had completely destroyed my mentality. I acted out of fear and a desperation to survive my own drowning mind, and so to conserve the last bit of sanity I had left, I made the choice to take myself out at 8th grade. Once I was out, I had only a single shred of pride left in myself. 

That's right, one single dying strand. Only one. This is what I'm going to make a point of in this author note. 

That one thread of dying pride was in my ability to survive. That one decision shunned me, and I was mentally so weak. But the one thing that kept me afloat was my pride in how I handled it despite everything. No matter how much the fact that I did not even finish high school shamed me, I was proud I managed that far. 

And then, my love of writing came in. At that point, school had destroyed my confidence in my art, and so I turned to writing. That was when I begun my "people studying" and found the need to spread the story of lives and a way to look at people completely differently. 

And do you know all know, my first story entry on here was about a year after I stopped going to school? Now, it's been a couple of years later, and I'm still trying my best to write. During school years, I was not excellent at literature studies. Creatively I did fine, but on the technical area, I was never able to absorb the lessons. I couldn't keep up, and my marks were really poor. 

The point is, everyone, you can do anything you set honestly for yourself. If you truly fight for it - crawl for it even when your head feels ready to give up - you will get there. Step by step, there are ways to getting there. 

People don't understand this. There isn't just one way to a destination. There are so many. Pick the one you feel is your path, and go. It doesn't need to be accepted by people. You don't need to appeal to other people because they can only see two paths. I picked this path, and nobody else can see how beautiful it is walking on this path but me - the person who walks it.

So whatever small or large goal, conventional or none conventional path you pick to travel to a place - go for that. Nobody else knows, because you are the only one walking that path. So make it meaningful and beautiful. Don't avoid suffering, let yourself experience it to grow from it. At first, you'll push it away. But like me, it will become a friend. I assure you all, I learned more from the suffering and pain than I did anything else. 

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